10 people you see at intramural games


Intramural People

Kyle Kubiak

1. The guy who looks like he has never done anything athletic in his life, but can actually play.

2. Weight gainer

• There seems to always be someone who was probably really good in high school, but then came to college and gained the freshman 15, or 50. Once again, never underestimate and always remember, there is a such thing as “dad bod power.”

Fellas, girls actually prefer the dad bod. Promise.

3. The kid with all the gear

• There is always a kid who is unbelievably decked out in gear and the majority of the time, they will be the worst.

4. The kid who yells about everything. Sometimes it is about some fake play called “UCLA 24 Blue” or it’s about some unbelievably genius adjustment that will immediately make your team better. Majority of the time, it will just be a kid who just wants to yell nonsense or is actually mad they’re not feeding him the ball.

5. “Ah, well we lost” kid

• It seems like every single time you are walking up to your game, regardless of the sport, there is always some kid that makes you go, “well, we’re screwed.” Then he actually turns out to be extremely bad and you find it so funny how much you overestimated him.

6. The trash talker

• There is a 99% chance in every intramural game that there will be a trash talker.

7. The “hey we need someone” kid

• There will always be someone who is just filling a spot due to someone else having a different conflict. The majority of the time, that kid ends up being garbage and ruining the game.

8. The guy who is unbelievably fit, but unbelievably un-athletic

• Probably wins some contests in the weight room, but put him on an athletic field and then he looks like he has no idea what is going on.

9. The “LETS GO BABY” kid

• Whenever something remotely good happens, there will always be that player on the other team who will get way too excited about something small.

10. The attention hog

• 100% of the time, there will be a ball hog every time. In basketball, this is the kid who shoots every time he touches the ball. In flag football, this is either the kid who always wants the ball, or the QB who just takes off. Then in everything, there will always be someone who tries to take over.