Letter: Adam Guenther fuels ‘hate’ hypocrisy

As someone who attended this year’s Family Leadership Summit at Stephens Auditorium, I must inform Daily readers that Adam Guenther in his letter is propagating lies about the event.

First, the event was not paid for by Iowa State or tax payer dollars. People who wanted to attend paid money out of their own pockets. There was no “hate” being preached. While the speakers and people who attended may disagree with redefining marriage by judicial fiat, “hate” was nowhere to be seen.

The only hate being spewed is coming from the radical LGBT activists such as Guenther. As someone who is a conservative Christian and has a gay relative, I don’t harbor any hate toward those who are LGBT. I believe and support the LGBT community’s right to exist and speak its mind.

It is sad that the other side of the marriage debate wants to silence and criminalize those who have a different view. No one was forced to attend or pay for the event. On the other hand, our tuition and fee money goes to fund the Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Student Services and no student has a choice to opt out if paying for this office violates their conscience or convictions.

I am tired of the hypocrisy. Conservative and Christian groups on campus don’t go around demanding that other views be silenced on campus that they disagree with. We are not the ones bullying or intimidating anyone. It is only the radical leftists on campus that are acting like censorious Nazis on campus.

I encourage the ISU community to hold the ideals of what an institution of higher learning is supposed to be. This is a free marketplace of ideas rather than a leftist reeducation center dominated by bullies such as the gay mafia.