Veishea Task Force issues final recommendation
Tom Hill, senior vice president for student affairs and chairman of the Veishea Task Force, speaks during the June 5 meeting. The task force voted unanimously to make significant changes to Veishea in the future.
July 11, 2014
The Veishea Task Force sent its recommendation to President Steven Leath at approximately 5:00 p.m. July 11.
The task force recommended that Veishea be canceled in its current form and the name Veishea be discontinued, but a new university-wide event would be created.
“I’m grateful for the hard work done by this group of faculty, staff, students, alumni and community members,” said Leath.
The report submitted to Leath contained 12 different recommendations, most revolving around the goals of the new event and how to “reduce the probability of disturbances.”
The task force concluded that Veishea had developed a “negative connotation due to past disturbances” and that unofficial partying was overshadowing “official Veishea events” as well as attracting “significant local and national media attention” that has damaged the school’s reputation.
The task force recommended to keep a university-wide event with the purposes of building community, serving the public and displaying achievements of the university.
The report suggests the possibility of splitting the new celebration into three weekends and not having it in the spring because students would likely still have unofficial parties like the ones that occur during Veishea.
The recommendation did not go into specifics of what the new celebration would look like and suggested “the development of a planning committee that would conceptualize a future event that would not take on the shape of Veishea.”
President Leath is expected to make his decision on the future of Veishea by early August.