GSB, Green Umbrella begin recycling at Parks Library
Caitlin Ellingson/Iowa State Daily
Iowa State has introduced new recycling bins in Parks Library, located on each floor.
December 16, 2013
Various groups on campus have come together to test new recycling efforts in Parks Library. The trial began during Dead Week and will last through Jan. 31.
During Dead Week and Finals Week, Parks Library traditionally becomes a popular study area for students to open their books and grab some coffee. The increase in students during these two weeks also creates an influx of recyclable waste.
Administration members in Parks Library have joined together with the Government of the Student Body, Facilities Planning and Management, and The Green Umbrella to start a two-week trial for multi-commodity recycling.
This trial will be throughout Parks Library on all four floors. Items accepted include all paper, plastic, metal and glass beverage and food containers.
Aly Straube, GSB director of sustainability and junior in chemical engineering, decided to run the trial during those two weeks and into the month of January. The trial went into effect to compare a busy period versus a calmer period of usage at Parks Library.
Straube worked as a intermediary between Parks Library’s administration and Facilities Planning and Management to set up the program. Four library floors have recycling bins for students to use.
“This is a program I want to be able to branch out to other buildings, and [Parks Library] is one of the most trafficked buildings on campus,” Straube said. “It was the smartest to start there with the trial.”
Straube is working with volunteers; two are associated with GSB and two are members of The Green Umbrella, who help check each recycling bin each day. With daily checking, they will be able to determine if the bins are being used and if the bins need to be emptied at the Hub’s dock.
“During National Campus Sustainability Day, a lot was said about recycling being important to them and [that they wanted] to see more recycling,” Straube said. “That is why I decided to start the trial.”
Recycling as much as possible and spreading the word about recycling is also what Straube has done to increase recycling across campus.
“Every bottle counts,” Straube said.
The recycling bins in Parks Library are located on the first floor by the Fireplace Room. On the second floor, the bins are by the stairs. Bins are located off to the left by offices on the third floor, and the fourth floor has bins by the corner of the staircase.
Robert Currie, director for Facilities Planning and Management, said the bins are used for the recycling of food and beverage containers.
“We provide the containers and the trash bags for the trial,” Currie said.
Currie said success in recycling programs is participation. Self-service recycling is a large component to the success of recycling in general, and the success of this trial. If students are aware of the bins and use the bins properly, the trial will be successful.