GSB election seminar scheduled for Dec. 4


Yanhua Huang/ Iowa State Daily

Business senator Daniel Breitbarth, sophomore in business economics, waits for the GSB meeting to start in Campanile Room in Memorial Union at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 6.

Brian Voss

Elections for offices in the Government of the Student Body will not happen until March, but those wishing to run for GSB can attend a seminar and information session at 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 5, in the Gold Room of the Memorial Union.

Election Commissioner Adam Guenther said anyone wishing to be on the ballot must attend one of the three information sessions offered by the election commission.

Guenther said the information sessions will be an opportunity to go over the election code, as well as deadlines and campaign guidelines.

“If a candidate does not follow the election code, they risk having their name removed from the ballot and being fined,” Guenther said. “If a candidate is found to be meddling with the election process or trying to disrupt the student government elections, then they can also be referred to the Dean of Students and Judicial Affairs.”

Guenther said that after candidates register they will be paired up with a member of the election commission who will serve as a liaison.

“If they have questions, they have a direct person to go to, and that way, I’m not getting everyone’s questions,” Guenther said.

GSB Sen. Zachary Bauer, who also serves as the public relations committee chairman, said being a member of GSB gives students an opportunity to address problems around campus.

“People who want to make a difference on campus, people who want to, is thrown around on GSB a lot, make the student experience better for everyone,” Bauer said.

Bauer said more problems could arise as the student population continues to increase at Iowa State.

“It’s the student’s prerogative and priority to be an influence in solving those issues, and GSB is a great venue to go to, to run for, in order to have the tools necessary to actually address those concerns,” Bauer said.

Bauer said a lot of the current GSB senators ran on a specific issue they believe needed to be addressed, such as sustainability issues or issues with CyRide.

“GSB really empowers students to kind of go after what they see wrong, to give them a way to kind of go about fixing it,” Bauer said.

Bauer said being on GSB also gives students an opportunity to gain leadership and public speaking experience.

“[It’s] stuff that you’ll use when you’re interviewing for your first job and in your future employment,” Bauer said.

Bauer said some of the projects around campus initiated by GSB include the BigBelly recycling compactors across campus and the bike pump outside the Memorial Union.

Registration to be an official candidate must be completed by 7 p.m. on Feb. 5.

More information can be found at