Harkin gives papers to Drake University

Katie Grunewald

Senator Tom Harkin announced Friday that his legislative papers and documents from his 40 year career in Congress will be donated to Drake University.

The initial decision to not donate the papers to Iowa State, where Harkin’s namesake institute on public policy is located, came in early February.

President Leath released a statement Friday morning regarding the Harkin papers and the future of the Harkin institute at Iowa State.

Drake University President David Maxwell was in constant communication with ISU President Steven Leath during his conversations with Senator Harkin.

“I wanted to make sure that President Leath was aware of the conversations that Drake University was having with Senator Harkin. ISU and Drake have a long and wonderful history, and President Leath and I have a very good relationship,” Maxwell said.

Leath released a statement Friday morning concerning the decision Harkin made.

“President Maxwell and I on a number of occasions have discussed the relocation of the Harkin Institute from Iowa State to Drake,” Leath said in a news release. “We’ve had a good working relationship, and I have assured him that we will work with him and members of his staff to ensure a smooth transfer of responsibility.”

Leath and Interim Director of the Harkin Institute at ISU David Peterson were unavailable for comment.

Check back with the iowastatedaily.net for a full, updated story on the Harkin papers and future of the Harkin Institute at Iowa State.