Nightlife: Lose the belly fat, not the buzz

Looking for a low calorie drink to help you enjoy the night and not feel bloated at the same time?

Instead of a sugary margarita or pina colada, which can be up to 500 calories, try sipping a rum and diet coke, which is 64 calories per ounce.

A tequila on the rocks with a splash of club soda or ginger ale would be another low calorie option with only 64 calories. Avoid syrups to liven up your tequila drink. They can be loaded with calories. Instead add a slice of lime for a refreshing flavor.

Interested in a healthy alternative to your standard beer? A good choice is a shandy or Michelada.

To make your own shandy, add one part lemon-flavored seltzer to two parts beer, adding a squirt of lemon.

The Michelada is a beer cocktail that originated in Mexico.

Start by placing lime juice, Worcestershire sauce, black pepper and a few dashes of hot sauce, to taste, into a pint glass. Add ice, pour a lager of Mexican beer on top and sip slowly.

If you’re looking for a non-alcoholic drink, mulled cider or spiced apple juice seasoning packets are sold in your local grocery store.

Try adding a few cinnamon sticks to a gallon of cider or apple juice, stir in the flavoring, and heat in a crock pot: The perfect beverage for a cool autumn day.