For I, For S, Forever
The Homecoming in 1953 was not only the year of the infamous riots, but also a big year for the marching band.
It was in this year that the marching band saw an increase in members. With shiny new uniforms, the addition of baton twirlers and the incorporation of more advanced moving field formations, the marching band was well on its way of being an even more integral part of football games and of Homecoming festivities.
Also in this year, a favorite Iowa State pep song was introduced to the fans during the half time of the Homecoming game.
This song, “For I For S Forever” was written by famous composer Meredith Wilson. Wilson was the author and composer of well-known musical, “The Music Man.”
“For I For S Forever” was an instant hit with Cyclone fans in the crowd, and continues to be a crowd favorite during sporting events today.