Not all incoming students attend Destination Iowa State

Destination Iowa State is a great way for students to get accustomed to Iowa State while meeting people in the process. However, not every incoming student chooses to participate. Alex Moore, a Genetics major, decided to skip Destination Iowa State.

“My brother never went when he was here,” Moore said. “It seems like I’ve got the lay of the land from visiting him over the years.”

Michael, a civil engineer major, said he went to the first day but lost interest.

“They were doing a lot of stuff I wasn’t interested in,” Michael said. “My leader went on a tour of everyone’s first class locations. That took 4 hours, and I only had classes in 3 or 4 buildings out of the 20 or so we visited.”

Pedro, a mechanical engineer major, says that the activity sheet drove him away from Destination Iowa State.

“I see the activities and they don’t catch my eye,” Pedro said. “Maybe if they had a better description of each event I’d be more interested.”

Some students missed the sign up, like Eduardo, an aerospace engineer major, but he did not seem to mind.

“I was picking up my books and getting my room set up for college,” Eduardo said.

With most of the other freshman at Destination Iowa State, these students had to find alternatives.

“I’ve mostly been hanging out with my friends from my home town,” Moore said.

Pedro said he has been “long boarding and chilling out.”

Michael had a few criticisms to share which influenced his decision to pass.

“It’s geared toward getting an individual ready, but in a group setting, which is really difficult to do.”

While Destination Iowa State is aimed to help the transition into college, these students feel they are just as prepared as everyone else.