Pep Squads
Homecoming is about a lot of different things, but one of the most important is school spirit. Pep squads have been established throughout the years to excite fans and crowds and to instill an excitement in everyone.
The first representation of a pep squad begain during the first Homecoming in 1912, when a “Yell Leader” was chosen. This was a male student who led the crowd in cheers. The following years brought an addition to two or three more cheerleaders, and in 1915 the A-M-E-S Quartet began entertaining the crowd through their peppy songs sung through megaphones.
Throughout the following decades, more pep squads were established. 1924 brought the Twisters into the picture, and in 1938 females began to join the cheerleading squad. The Yellow-Jackets joined the Twisters as pep clubs, but both squads died in the 50s.
The cheerleading squad evolved in the 1940s to include stunts and acrobatics. Additionally, the marching band saw change with baton twirlers, fancier uniforms and moving field formations.
Cy mad his first appearance as an 8 foot cardinal in 1954, and in 1967, the ISU Pom Squad was established, which eventually became what is today’s Iowa State Dance Team.
Today, the pep squads are known as the ISU Spirit Squad which includes a mascot team, a cheerleading team divided into an all-girl squad and a co-ed squad and a dance team divided into a cardinal squad and a gold squad.
The Spirit Squad as a whole continues to make appearances at several Homecoming events including the pep rally and football game among many other events throughout the week.