Wildlife Care Clinic allows eagles to SOAR

Erin Toohey

The College of Veterinary Medicine’s Wildlife Care Clinic is teaming up with Saving Our Avian Resources to release two rehabilitated bald eagles at McFarland Park on Saturday.

Three eagles, one who had already died, were brought to the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center a month ago.

Dr. Bianca Zaffarano, a veterinarian at the clinic, examined the two surviving birds and found many symptoms of the birds being poisoned, which testing confirmed to be the case.

After four days of grueling treatment, only one eagle survived and was strong enough to be transported to SOAR, where she continued her rehabilitation.

Now she and a second eagle rehabilitated by SOAR are ready to be released back into the wild.

The program is scheduled to take place from 10 a.m. to noon, with a few guest speakers scheduled to speak.

Starting off the program will be Mike Haylik, a storyteller who will be debuting a new eagle story.

Then, staff from the Wildlife Care Clinic and SOAR will talk about the eagles’ journey through rehabilitation.

The eagles are scheduled to be released around 11 a.m. that day after all the speakers are finished.

After the release is done, volunteers from both the Wildlife Care Clinic and SOAR will remain to answer any questions about the release.

McFarland Park is just north of Ames on 56461 180th St. near Dayton Avenue and 180th.