Illustration: Ryan Francois/Iowa State Daily
The ISU Information of Technology Services continues to raise awareness in the education and knowledge directed at helping students protect themselves behind the computer.
When accessing emails, many members of the ISU community may or may not see the simple harm in filling out a quick survey or a bit of information from the content received in their inbox.
However, the university has recently had numerous attackers sending valid-looking emails to students in attempts to obtain personal information to steal money, credentials and identities.
Wayne Hauber, IT systems analyst, feels that students realize the consequences that can occur and how to protect themselves when dealing with these issues of suspicious emails.
“It’s a big deal. Some people are pros and do this kind of stuff for a living,” Hauber said. “When making the emails, an attacker can do something as simple as making the images look good. Good artwork is helpful.”
Whether it involves banking, computer passwords, destroying a personal computer or stealing money, there are many reasons an attacker may choose to target a large institution such as Iowa State for the large number of people brought together in one environment.
IT Communication and Marketing graduate student Lynn Lundy Evans has worked with IT Services since the first week of February and emphasized the importance of both IT Services and students knowing what is going on with their technology.
“Students are paying for these services and we need to make sure they are aware of these risks,” Evans said.
Being at a public university, ISU IT Services feels that the security it provides does the best job it can in protecting students from email spams.
Andy Weisskopf, senior systems analyst for IT, said that by working at IT Services, he has been able to find pretty clear signs stating whether a person is attempting to send invalid content through the system.
“If the email doesn’t seem right or isn’t expected, don’t click on or open the link,” Weisskopf said. “It’s a matter of being aware of the issues.”
If students are unsure about if they have been the victim of any related issues resulting from email spams, visit the IT News page on Iowa State’s website.
Students also can visit Iowa State’s website to gain more information or stop by Information Services to get an annual checkup on their computer software and equipment to ensure the protection of their technology.