Letter: Senator Grassley’s support of Big Oil is cowardly
May 24, 2011
Sen. Charles Grassley just demonstrated a regrettable lack of courage at a time when all Iowans needed him to fight for their interests.
Sen. Grassley was one of 48 Republican senators to block a vote to remove $2 billion of tax subsidies for Big Oil. It would have reduced oil executives’ first-quarter combined profit from $365 billion to $363 billion. You read that right: billion, not million.
Back in the days of the Bush administration, representatives of five oil companies said if oil exceeded $55 per barrel, they would no longer need subsidies. Yet now, with the cost almost double that, they just have to have them.
This is a no-brainer. Big Oil is still raking in record profits. But Sen. Grassley receives more than $200,000 worh of support from Big Oil, so did he have the courage to tell Big Oil that this $2 billion subsidy is unneeded?
No, he did not. He must believe we will buy some lame excuse that reducing $365 billion in profits to $363 billion will cause gas prices to rise. We are not so gullible.
My goal is to send a letter to the editor to every newspaper in Iowa, urging readers to tell Sen. Grassley how ashamed they are that he lacked the courage to say no to Big Oil.
Please call or write him today. His primary office is at 721 Federal Building, 210 Walnut St., Des Moines, Ia. 50309. Its phone number is 515-288-1145. He has five other regional offices as well.
Let him know Iowans will remember his lack of courage.