Ames Police Department will be hosting a training session on the Iowa Crime Free Multi-Housing Program. The program is designed to build a partnership between law enforcement and rental property personnel to keep illiegal activity out of apartment communities and other rental properties, according to a release.
The program will be a three-phrase certification process. Phase one is to be management training. This will be beneficial to rental property personnel dealing with day-to-day operations and is mandatory if the decision is made to become a certified crime-free multi-housing complex. Anyone on a rental management team is encouraged to attend.
Phase two involves an inspection of the property to evaluate security and general apperance. Last is phase three, during which a social is held for tenants to learn about the program and how they play a role in making their apartment a safe community.
The eight-hour training session will be take place May 23 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers. The cost for the program is $25 per person, which will include programming materials, certificates, refreshments and a networking lunch. If a single company sends more than three participants, the cost for the fourth (and all subsequent) participants will be $10.
The registration deadline is May 18.
For any questions regarding the training, contact Lt. Tom Shelton at 515-239-5310.