Stars are paid too much money for what they do
“Two and a Half Men” star Angus T. Jones, reportedly makes more than $300,000 an episode. The CBS show averages 15 million viewers an episode. Courtesy photo: IMDB
October 12, 2010
There is a horribly unfunny show on CBS called “Two and a Half Men.” Averaging around 15 million viewers an episode, the show is about, well, two men and a boy who live together. That’s it.
Despite its immense number of viewers, “Two and a Half Men” is often used as a benchmark for simple, formulaic comedy. The show is not complex. It’s not clever. It’s just your typical sitcom.
So how much money do these actors make? Well, TMZ recently learned that the 17-year-old costar, Angus T. Jones, signed a new contract which gives him $300,000 an episode, along with a $500,000 signing bonus.
Wait, $300,000 an episode? That’s more money than both my parents make in a year. That’s more money than accomplished actors like Steve Carell and Jon Hamm make. It’s just an absurd amount of money.
The workload can’t be anything too difficult: show up, wait around, say your lines and leave. I don’t care what anyone tells you, compared to what some people do every day, that is not hard work. It’s definitely not work that justifies a $300,000 paycheck.
The obvious answer to all this is that “Two and a Half Men” is a popular show, and part of its popularity is due in part to Angus T. Jones. But that amount of money just continues to infect my brain. I could be a little more understanding if it was someone like Jon Stewart, or someone else who really contributes to American culture. But Angus T. Jones? Some 17-year-old? It’s completely outrageous.
My dad is a construction worker. Every day he helps create buildings, buildings that function for a variety of purposes. Buildings are important. They’re concrete. We need them. But do you see my dad bringing home a $300,000 paycheck? Not a chance. Although my dad makes a bigger impact on the community than Angus T. Jones’ presence on my television does.
In this horrible economy, why are we allowing talentless celebrities to continue getting paid insane amounts of cash? People like Ronnie from “Jersey Shore” just have to show up at a club, and they get paid $10,000 to say something on the microphone, have some drinks and just stand there. Families, college students, any middle class or lower class individual would kill for that amount of money.
It just boggles my mind that we live in a society where we allow this to happen. Be a hard worker and get paid nickels and pennies. Be a shallow idiot with nothing interesting to say and get paid millions. It’s no wonder people are depressed with their lives. We read magazine covers and watch TV shows every day where people just shove that fact in our face. Lots of money should be a reward for doing something important, not just mugging for the camera.
I have no problem if you’re a legitimately hard-working actor in Hollywood. There are tons of famous actors who really bust their asses and make quality entertainment. But to continue shoving money toward actors and actresses who have nothing worthwhile to contribute is just sad. Someone really needs to cut them down to size.
“Listen, kid, I know you’re popular right now, but you’re just a talking head. That’s it. I think we’re going to use part of your paycheck to keep some quality shows on the air. I hope you understand.”
Sigh, if only life were like that.