As a freshman in college, it can be hard to find a comfort zone. The first year of college is a time when most students have to get accustomed to living away from home. This can cause stress, or it can be a whole new adventure. Something embarrassing will happen to you in college, and what better opportunity to learn to laugh off embarrassment.
Will Somsaath, sophomore in kinesiology, had an embarrassing moment after a test in a biology class. Somsaath went to hand in his test and while walking away tripped and fell up the steps.
“Right when I fell, the huge lecture class of around 200 people began to laugh,” Somsaath said. “I just got right back up and gave a little wave and kept walking. It might have been embarrassing at the time, but now I think it’s pretty funny.”
Josh Hitzhusen, junior in agricultural studies, had an embarrassing moment as well his freshman year, not while in class, but while he was playing with a flying disc on Central Campus.
Hitzhusen was playing catch when one of his friends threw the disc out of his reach. Without thinking, Hitzhusen ran after it and slid in order to catch it, but slid right into a puddle of mud. Hitzhusen stood up, disc in hand, covered in mud, and decided to quit for the day.
On the walk back he received many odd looks, but he said it was worth it.
Josh Mellman, sophomore in history, made a memory he will never forget his freshman year while living in the residence halls. Mellman occasionally forgot the keys to get into the floor bathroom, and he didn’t want to walk back to his room to grab them. Instead, he would go to a little custodian’s closet on his floor that had a drain in it and do his business there.
One morning when he woke up, the custodian was cleaning the bathroom and Mellman couldn’t wait, so he went down to the closet, kept the lights off and started to go. Seconds after he began, the custodian opened the door, and Mellman said she saw “everything.” Mellman said it was embarrassing at the moment, but he is able to laugh about it now.
Freshman year could be the best of a student’s college career, but the important thing to keep in mind is if you do something embarrassing, make sure it’s memorable.