UPDATE: Police identify two involved in Monday’s shooting

Ames Emergency Response Team members talk after clearing 1205 Northwestern Ave. on Monday. The Ames Police Department responded to a scene that contained two individuals with gunshot wounds. Cmdr. Mike Brennan stated that one male and one female were taken to Mary Greeley Medical Center for treatment. Photo: Logan Gaedke/Iowa State Daily
September 28, 2009
Police have identified the two individuals involved in a shooting Monday at 1205 Northwestern Ave., in what is believed to be a domestic disturbance.
Tamela Montgomery, 34, was found by the Ames Police Emergency Response Team in an upstairs bedroom of her home with gunshot wounds, according to a press release issued by the Ames Police Department. Angenaldo Bailey, Montgomery’s ex-boyfriend, was found on a staircase with a gunshot wound to the head.
Ames Police Cmdr. Mike Brennan said Montgomery was shot three times in the abdomen area. Although no charges have been filed against Bailey, Brennan said “based on what we know” he believes Bailey shot Montgomery before shooting himself. Brennan said a .40-caliber automatic pistol was used.
Both Montgomery and Bailey were transported to Mary Greeley Medical Center. Bailey was later transported to the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics, where a hospital spokesperson said he is in the surgical intensive care unit. Brennan said Bailey is in critical condition. A condition report for Montgomery was not immediately available.
Police say at approximately 8:30 p.m. Monday, they received a report from Montgomery, who told dispatchers she had been shot by her ex-boyfriend. It was unclear at the time of the call whether Bailey was still in the home.
Two individuals were also in the house at the time of the shooting, Brennan said, but both fled the home when shots were hear. Neither were injured.
An investigation by the Ames Police Department and Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation is ongoing.
According to court records, Bailey has been charged with multiple domestic abuse assault cases.
In November 2008, Brennan said Bailey was arrested for domestic abuse assault with intent to harm or display of a weapon against Montgomery.
Brennan said Montgomery had a no contact order filed against Bailey at the time of Monday’s shooting. Montgomery reported to police earlier in the day that Bailey was riding his bike near her home.
Bailey has been living at Curt Forbes Residential Facility, 111 N. Sherman Ave., a halfway house in Ames, Brennan said.
Ames Police refused Tuesday to release the names of the man and woman injured in Monday’s shooting, at 1205 Northwestern Ave. in what is believed to be a domestic dispute. Cmdr. Mike Brennan said a press conference will be held sometime Tuesday afternoon or evening.
A hospital spokesperson said the hospital would not release condition updates Tuesday.
Continue to check iowastatedaily.net for additional updates.
A man and a woman were found shot after police received a 911 call from the injured woman at 1205 Northwestern Ave. in “a possible domestic disturbance.”
Ames Police Cmdr. Mike Brennan issued a statement at 10:35 p.m. that at 8:30 p.m. a call was received from the house.
Brennan said at least two other people were in the home when the assailant entered the property and began to shoot. The people fled the residence to neighboring houses, who then called the police.
The police could not confirm whether the man found shot was the assailant at press time.
Two ambulances took the victims to Mary Greeley Medical Center.
At the scene, several relatives and witnesses, who refused to be named, said the violence may have been the result of an ongoing domestic situation.
Todd and Marylin Macvey, 26641 19th St. in Nevada, are the owners of the property. Todd said he could not release the names of the renters when contacted Monday night for comment.
Alan Schmidt, who lives across the street from the house, said he missed most of the event because he was watching a movie.
“The police cars have been to this house on and off for several months. I don’t know what’s going on over there, but police frequent it,” Schmidt said.
He said he doesn’t know the people who live there, and by the time he realized something was going on, the ambulances had already left.