LETTER: How will the left explain Iraqi voting?

Look for the American left to begin redefining the Iraqi debate in the next two to three weeks. Their dire predictions about the future of Iraq and the armed insurgency were refuted with force last Sunday: Iraqis went to the polls in huge numbers despite very explicit threats from a dying group of radicals.

Their predictions of chaos soundly trounced, watch as American liberals try to redefine the debate about America’s role in the next few weeks.

They’ll have to come up with something pretty creative to explain why they were wrong as the violence begins abating and Iraqi citizens form the Iraqi government.

Not every Iraqi voted, many of the candidates were hidden for protection, and it was not a perfect election, but the citizens of Iraq clearly conveyed their desire for a republic.

Their country has a long road ahead, but this administration’s pursuit of spreading liberty to the Middle East will pay off more quickly than anyone expected. And that will leave the left and their blind obstructionism with some explaining to do.

Nathan C. Hertel


Political Science