LETTER: Activists must never give up the fight

It is inappropriate to suggest that any activists, whatever their cause may be, should give up their fight due to unfavorable conditions (“Activists must change anti-mall tactics,” Jan. 18).

Admitting defeat is easy, but it is not something that passionate, dedicated activists will do. Passionate and dedicated activists recognize that accusations of unrealistic intent and insinuations of counterproductive repercussions do not serve to benefit their cause. It is difficult for any activist to stare bad odds in the face, and it does not help when a university newspaper endorses the cessation of a fight which has been admirable, necessary and steadfast.

Any activists who are true to their cause know that even in the face of the worst odds, they must continue; they have no other option. I find it unfortunate and upsetting that the Daily does not encourage greater student activism, especially since it has acknowledged the absence of it. If the Daily is going to address the issue of activism, it should do so in a more appropriate manner.

The Daily is not in a position to make claims and suggestions as to how to better the activist community in Ames. Activism on campus is growing, though you’re not hearing about it through this newspaper. If the Daily wishes to recognize its responsibility, it will need to increase its knowledge of student activism and facilitate greater involvement.

Dan Sherman

