LETTER: Muslim extremists source of terrorism

This letter is in response to Nicolai Brown’s Nov. 1 column.

First and foremost, Brown neglected to mention that Coulter took questions most of the time, whereas the “hack” Michael Moore wouldn’t take any questions.

Second, Mr. Brown needs a lesson in what an “airliner” is. He writes in his column that Coulter was wrong by saying that 100 percent of airliner attacks were done by Muslim extremists. He then points out that two small Cessnas were flown on suicidal missions by drugged up white males.

Cessnas aren’t airliners. End of argument. No John Doe has ever, or will ever, fly an airliner into an office building. Muslim extremists started a jihad, and now they have one. And by the way, Mr. Brown, when I fly, I keep my eyes open. I profile and watch for suspicious activity. Vigilance on Flight 93 saved American lives and after Sept. 11 many Americans are watching not only on their airplanes, but on the road, and even in the grocery stores.

One day, when terrorists show their ugly faces again, they will be greeted by proud Americans and not columnists for a newspaper in la-la-land. Keep up the good work, Mr. Brown.

Justin Lindee


Management Information Systems