LETTER: Democrats, GOP need reconciliation

It is difficult to summarize thoughts and feelings the day after such a bitter and hard-fought election that ended in defeat. As I take more and more time to reflect, the more I am convinced of two simple words: Move on.

All of us need to move on, whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican. Republicans need to stop patting themselves on the back.

You won by a margin of 3 percent, which is not a mandate by any means. It also shows that your candidate, who first ran on a “compassionate conservative” and “uniter” platform, has a lot of work ahead of him if he is going to reunite this country and accomplish great things for which all Americans can be proud.

I admit, I did not volunteer for any party. School comes first. I know many people who did not attend classes for many days to volunteer. I applaud their effort, passion and sacrifice.

I hate to be the pity party pooper for all of my fellow Democrats who are upset, frustrated, demoralized, disgruntled, bitter and fearful for the next four years. Believe me, I am just as upset, frustrated, demoralized, disgruntled, bitter and fearful.

But we need to move on. Energy wasted on all of those feelings will lead our party nowhere. We need to redirect that energy to positive change and action.

There is so much we can accomplish, and we don’t need a House, Senate, Supreme Court or White House to do it.

Things will change — I can feel it. The next four years are going to be an amazing, soulful ride, but only if you and the Democrat next to you move on.

Ben Harper


Music Education