LETTER: ISU Foundation not a laughing matter

After reading Mr. Crosbie’s distorted commentary on the ISU Foundation phone center on Nov. 11, I couldn’t believe the idiocy he spewed in his column. Normally, I would say that Mr. Crosbie’s commentaries are light-hearted and amusing; unfortunately, this one is not, and it directly affects the attitudes of a lot of hard-working students.

One has to look deeper and behind the scenes of an organization that works very hard for the students and for Iowa State as a whole. Working at the Phone Center is a hard, thankless job; sitting in front of a computer for four hours listening to the phone ring, hoping for someone to pick up and talk to is a daunting, patient, trying task. Each and every one of the callers who works at the Phone Center is very good at his or her job and goes through hours of continued training to achieve that standard.

Offering $20 for a donation is very commendable, and I do respect the alumni who do want to get involved, but doing so over the phone at that level is not the most cost-effective way to do so. The ISU Foundation will gladly accept any gift, from $.01 to as high as anyone is willing to give.

If you want to give less than $25, the best way is to send a check directly to the ISU Foundation.

The ISU Foundation Phone Center works very hard to appease the greatest amount of people and, unfortunately, must draw the line somewhere when it comes to over-the-phone giving.

The students working at the phone center deserve praise for the work they do and what you, Mr. Crosbie, probably couldn’t handle. So before taking shots at an entity you really have no idea about, make sure you get the facts right.

Craig Graves

Former Supervisor

ISU Foundation Phone Center