LETTER: Democrats aren’t the smarter party

Cara Harris’ most recent column was an excellent demonstration as to why the Democratic party cannot seem to understand the 2004 election. For the most part, it is liberal arrogance.

“Crappy Iowa towns?” That’s a really good way to get people to vote for her side. I am personally proud to call myself an Iowan and hearing people denigrate this state only makes my blood boil.

Also, inferring that Democrats seem to have a lock on “intellectuals” is a skewed concept. She might as well save us all time and energy by coming out and saying that all Republicans are idiots. That will gain a lot of votes as well.

Ms. Harris isn’t the only one acting like this. You’d think the world was ending with all the talk the past week in classes about “no checks and balances for the next four years” that several of my peers have been stating. Of course, if the Democrats were in charge, it would be “doing good for all people.”

Then there’s the name calling. If you disagree with same-sex marriage, you’re a “bigot.” Dislike affirmative action? You’re a “racist.” Pro-life? You’re a “chauvinist.”

There’s hope for Ms. Harris’ America, however. “Crappy Iowa” gave the Democrats a split state senate, and there’s still a Democratic governor.

Derek White

Graduate Student

Public Administration