LETTER: New Voters Project is fair to all voters

I would just like to take this chance to clear up David Sheet’s letter in the Daily a couple of days ago. I do not believe the group he was referring to was the New Voters Project.

Rather, I believe I got the same email from America Coming Together, a group run by “former” Democratic Party leaders in their effort to unseat President Bush. The key to my thinking here is the phrase “progressives who want change on Nov. 2.” I do not believe the New Voters Project has ever used this phrase, but ACT does at length.

I believe the local ACT people to be honest folks, but, nationwide, they have proven to be less than trustworthy (hiring felons, etc.), and this is one example of them trying to mask their partisan nature.

On the other hand, while the New Voters Project has many liberals, they have been nothing but good with the College Republicans. They take great strides (sometimes to the point of annoyance on my cell phone — ha ha) to make sure that they treat all sides fairly.

Louis Kishkunas


ISU College Republicans