The curious and the hungry are invited to partake of food specials, prizes and music at the Hawthorn Court Community Center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today for the center’s Fall Open House.
Mary Beth Golemo, Hawthorn Court community director, said everyone is welcome at the event.
“This is an opportunity for the whole ISU community, not just students, to come out and see our new Community Center if they haven’t already done so,” Golemo said. “They can tour the beautiful apartments, if they’d like.”
The Hawthorn Market Caf‚, located in the Community Center, will offer plenty of food specials, and there will be a cake-and-punch reception, said Kate Bruns, communication specialist for the residence halls.
Guests can register for many prizes to be given away, including basketball tickets donated by the ISU Athletic Department, prizes from University Book Store and lots of giveaways from the Market Caf‚.
Along with food and prizes, entertainment will be on hand. Hawthorn Court resident Greg Knoke, junior in physics, will play the keyboard, and the ISU saxophone quartet from the music department will perform, Golemo said.
“Some members of the ISU Marching Band will be there in uniform, and they will have copies of their new CD available for sale,” she said.
Bruns said a table will be set up with information about the Community Center and the apartments.
“We wanted to find a way for everyone to come out and see the new facility,” Bruns said, “and we thought this would be a great way to do it.”