Letter to the editor: Get the hell out of my country and move to Europe

Nick Vrana

It always seems a little strange to me how people in our great nation can support the Democratic party when a few of the basic premises of that party are: 1. The government is entitled to your money. 2. No one is smart enough to make decisions for themselves (i.e. all decisions must be made by the federal government). 3. Guns and Hollywood are responsible for all violence, but Hollywood is only responsible if we can blame them and still take their money. 4. It’s okay to kill babies with abortions, but you can’t have a gun because their afraid you’ll kill someone with it. 5. Guns are evil. 6. So is everybody who makes a decision for themselves without the government’s permission. 7. We should deploy military assets all over the world, but take the militaries funding and use it for entitlement programs. 8. Tax cuts are evil because they deplete the federal treasury, but they forget most entitlement programs deplete the federal treasury more because they exceed projected spending. 9. You can contradict yourself only if you’re a Democrat. (i.e. adopt Republican issues, say Hollywood is bad then take their money.) 10. Rich people are evil, so they should pay more taxes. These are principles of a socialist government so if you believe in these principles please move to Europe so you can pay 50-75 percent of your income in taxes and $5.50 for a gallon of gas. Or where it’s illegal to own a firearm in some countries. I am by no means saying Republicans are perfect, but to me they represent the ideals that this country was founded on, like limited government and limited taxes. So if you want, feel free to cast your vote for Al Gore and know that you’re casting a vote for higher taxes and more government bureaucracy. So really if you’re voting for Al Gore, why bother, just get the hell out of my country and move to Europe. I’ll vote for George Bush and know that he’ll uphold American values and traditions. Nick Vrana


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