Sarcasm alert

Chris Choukalas

I would like to respond to Randy Webb’s letter of Nov. 16 with a quote from the text. “The world cannot function healthily with ideas like those [of Sam Wong] floating around.”

He then writes, “Everyone in the world is different, and no one is better or more important than anyone else.” Those two statements are in direct contradiction with one another, but that isn’t even the most ridiculous part of his letter.

As if to portray yourself as an intelligent, open-minded person, you write, “It seems to me that anyone with half a mind can comprehend this [the idea of tolerance and equality among people]” when you didn’t have the “half a mind” necessary to appreciate the irony and sarcasm used by Mr. Wong to illustrate just how sick some of the attitudes of recent letter writers are.

You and he are both on the same side, and he did a heck of a job proving a point. He even “got” you.

Chris Choukalas

Graduate student
