A big thank you

Lisa French

You hear people constantly commenting on the overwhelming sizes at Iowa State. The humongous student body, the ridiculous lecture sizes, the miniscule dorm rooms.

It is easy to get lost in the shuffle, whether it is in the academic help line or at the bus stop for the Brown Route. Well, thanks to some well-trained and patient individuals, this trend is being reversed one student at a time.

Sept. 15 is a frightening day for all ISU students. It is the official FIRST BILL OF THE SEMESTER DUE DATE, when financial aid status is lost or unknown and tax forms are lost in the mail or archaic filing systems.

I had the misfortune to be in Beardshear trying to figure out if I could pay my u-bill and avoid a late fee. Thanks to the office staff in both the financial aid offices and the student activity office, I got all the rigamarole figured out and even got a hug in the process.

I’d like to thank Mary Smith (310 Beardshear), Laura Bestler and Carolyn (student activities office) for being compassionate and understanding to a student on the verge of a breakdown over financial aid.

I got personal attention, which I felt came because I was a person, not a number or quota filled by the university — and this all took place before my 9:00 a.m. class.

Thanks for making ISU a little smaller and a lot friendlier and for remembering that even returning juniors get freaked out on Sept. 15.

So, to all of you who will encounter these people, take notice of who they are and how they treat you. We can all afford to take a little more time to make people more at ease.

Lisa French


Animal ecology