MU offices will see improved computers

Jodi Mace

The need for updated computers in the Memorial Union student office spaces prompted a collaborative effort between the Government of the Student Body and Student Union Board.

“The East and West [Student Office Space] computer labs are outdated,” said Ryan Sievers, vice president of SUB. “We need to update them to bring them in line with other labs on campus.”

A bill to fund new computers for the office spaces was approved April 7 by the GSB senate, said Mike Pogge, LAS. It granted about $11,000 from GSB’s special projects account for four new machines, he said.

GSB will purchase the computers and software, and SUB will maintain the computers and operations, Sievers said.

Pogge said two of the new computers will be put in the East Student Office Space and the other two in the West Student Office Space.

In each of these areas, there will be a high-powered computer with design capabilities, high-speed Internet access and connection to a scanner, he said. The other computer will be used for word processing and other general purposes.

The brand of the new computers has not been determined yet, Pogge said, but SUB will get prices on computers and purchase the least expensive type that meets technological specifications.

“Right now, the lowest bid is from Gateway, but SUB wants to get Dell computers,” he said. “We just want the computers to meet speed, software and scanner requirements.”

Sievers said that he would prefer to get Dell computers.

“Dell computers are the rage,” he said. “For our particular usage criteria, they seem to be the best option.”

Currently, the student office spaces each have four Macintosh computers. The newest of these is 2 years old, and they also were purchased collaboratively between GSB and SUB, Pogge said.

In order to be passed, the bill required a two-thirds majority vote in the senate. Pogge said the vote was not difficult to get.

“The senators realize that there is a need for the computers,” he said.

Sievers said the computers will be purchased before the fall semester begins.

“Once we take a closer look at the budget, we’ll have a better idea of how long it is going to take to purchase and install the computers,” he said.

Sievers said the computers in the student office spaces are available for use by any Iowa State student. However, they typically are used by members of the organizations housed in the student office spaces, he said.

“GSB and SUB have a nice history of serving students and student groups,” Sievers said. “I [am glad] that we are able to update the labs.”