Drug tests for everybody

Brad Sanow

Recently, Mike Glover wrote an article about how student athletes are going to be randomly tested for drugs.

This policy is a bunch of crap. Why should athletes be the only ones to get tested? To me, this implies that student athletes are better than the rest of the student population.

If the athletes have to pee in a cup, so should the people on the quiz bowl team or members of other activities.

It sounds as if athletes are the only ones that use drugs and alcohol.

Just because athletes are going to be randomly tested, that isn’t going to scare them away from using illegal substances.

The whole student population should be frightened away from using drugs and alcohol. I am not saying that these tests shouldn’t be used; I am saying that the whole school should be tested for drugs.

If someone is caught using drugs or alcohol, what is the penalty going to be?

Are these students going to get kicked out of school?

Who is going to monitor the people when they have to relieve themselves in the cup?

To me, having someone watch me go in a cup is an invasion of my privacy.

How can those schools set their own guidelines?

Schools would be able to test just non-athletes if they wanted to. If this bill is passed, it needs to have set rules and regulations.

Should athletes be held to a higher standard than the rest of their classmates?

Drug tests for only random athletes is going to cost way too much. It will cause more trouble than schools need.

Parents of athletes are going to fight this as much as they have to.

It sounds as if the student athletes are guilty until proven innocent and not innocent until proven guilty.

Brad Sanow


Physical education