Ugly Americans

Andy Perfecto

In response to Mr. David Sandgren’s letter about making English the U.S.’s official language: Mr. Sandgren, have you ever left this country? A large number of Germans speak not only their own language but also English, and maybe French, Italian, Spanish or whatever. You have really come through as the “Ugly American” which is something a lot of Europeans call us. Why is that? Maybe because we are so lazy that we cannot learn a language other than our own.

And why Spanish instead of French? Well, it’s obvious, my amigo. After English, Spanish is the second most spoken language in this country.

Did you know that within 10 years Spanish will probably be the most spoken language in the U.S.? Does that scare you?

I could have sworn that this was supposedly a “melting pot” where all are welcomed to escape the tyranny of their homelands, practice their religions and speak their languages. That’s why the pilgrims came, right?

I really doubt that if we went the way of Canada we would have any problems with states wanting to separate. That’s too extreme.

Maybe people like you will kick out all of us bi-lingual people so you don’t feel like we’re calling you names in another language.

Andy Perfecto

Graduate student

Interdisciplinary graduate studies