I learned a lot last Wednesday about how the media can mislead readers’ perceptions of an individual.
I got the chance to hang out with Motley Crue’s own Tommy Lee and Nikki Sixx, as well as Donna D’Errico from “Baywatch.”
When Lee first walked into Stephens Auditorium, I couldn’t help but crack a smile. I didn’t know what to say to him. Sure, I’m in a band, but he’s in Motley Crue, ya know?
Beyond his music, all I knew of him was that he had a porno exposing the pure beauty of Pamela Anderson’s private parts along with his gargantuan penis.
Needless to say, I wasn’t going to talk to him about his overgrown anatomy.
I also knew that he went to jail for beating the piss out of Pamela after she bore his child. But asking him how it feels to be someone’s prison bitch didn’t exactly seem like the right subject to get his insight on either.
I’ve heard the stories of the Crue’s past lives. They were once considered to be the kings of post-show parties — fitting more women and drugs into a room than Michael Irvin.
As Lee walked around, everyone in the room seemed overjoyed that he arrived. They all shared hugs and told quick little stories to make him laugh.
I sat by and finally he came up to me and asked what kind of music we played. I told him. Next thing you know it’s 40 minutes later and we’re still talking music.
He told me about his side projects, his excitement for the Crue’s current tour and all about his new record label. But the conversation wasn’t just about him. He asked me countless questions about my band, what I do in my spare time in Ames, what bands I like, etc.
He was genuine. I could feel it.
Shortly after, he had to sound check and ended up back in his dressing room. When I walked into the Crue dressing room, I found a lot of pop, catered food and the band sitting around watching the World Series.
I walked up to D’Errico, and we were quickly discussing some of her work she had done on MTV’s “Summer Share.” Lee quickly joined in the conversation and it dawned on me that they were pretty decent friends.
It then hit me how stupid I had been about these guys — especially Lee.
Yeah, I know he is a convicted wife-beater. But that’s just not who I met.
I met a laid-back dude completely driven by music. I met a fun guy who everyone wanted to hang around with — not a druggy porn star who bloodied up his wife’s face.
But that was my perception of Lee before I met him. I felt like a bigot.
For those of you who don’t know, D’Errico stars in “Baywatch” and is also married to Sixx, so I only assume that she knows Pamela.
If Lee was such a horrible guy, then how could she be his friend?
My whole point is that I wish I knew the details about the wife-beating incident because I can’t see T-Bone (as his crew called him) walking into a room, saying “What’s up, bitch?” and blasting Pamela in the face.
I bet she was cheating or something. I mean, what guy out there wouldn’t go a little crazy if Pamela Anderson cheated on him?
I say Tommy had the right to hit her.
You just don’t cheat on the one you love. That’s my motto. I think it’s a travesty that our judicial system would put a guy like Tommy Lee in jail for straightening out an adulterous wife. She had it coming, right?
We’ll talk later.
Chad Calek is a senior in journalism and mass communication from Persia.