Labeling tweakers is wrong

Paul Lasley

Rather than labeling crank users as “losers,” it would seem more responsible to emphasize the dangers of all illegal drugs and encourage abusers to seek treatment (Tuesday, Sept. 29, “Crank’s for Losers”).

There are many paths that lead to drug abuse.

Labeling abusers as “losers” is simplistic and naive.

The attitude reflected in your op-ed piece only serves to blame the victims, isolates them as abusers and prevents them from seeking treatment.

Viewing drug abuse as a character flaw ignores the evidence that drug abuse is a major social problem.

I have met numerous youth at drug treatment centers.

I would call them scared, confused and in some cases, desperate, but I would never call them losers.

It takes courage to admit to an addiction, but it doesn’t take courage to call people losers.

Paul Lasley

