Bylaws on GSB docket
August 26, 1998
The semester’s first Government of the Student Body meeting will be held tonight and will serve as a firsthand orientation for many new senators, said GSB President Bryan Burkhardt.
Burkhardt said many GSB senators come in with specific agendas, but he hopes to impart to them that their first responsibility is to represent their constituents.
“I want to stress to senators they should talk to students and listen to their gripes,” Burkhardt said.
Aside from orientation, Burkhardt said he doesn’t expect a particularly eventful session.
“Quite honestly, I think it’s going to be a pretty easy-going meeting,” he said.
The new GSB bylaws are the largest item up for consideration, Burkhardt said. He said he is happy with the revised bylaws, which have been considerably “cleaned-up.”
GSB will also be considering two seating bills for senators and a line-item transfer bill. However, Burkhardt said he is not expecting any debate over the bills.
The meeting is tonight at 7 in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
Seating bills
* A bill proposing to seat Chris Wisher as an off-campus senator. By Brus, Erickson and others.
* A bill proposing to seat Marc Ruehlaender as an international senator. By Toay, Davis and others.
New business
* A bill to pass the new bylaws. By Johnson, Hamill-Wilson and others.
* A bill to establish a GSB/George Washington Carver Project Account. By Johnson and Blackburn.
* A bill to present the Catt Hall Review Committee’s full proposal for specific action by the ninth regular senate meeting. By Bateza, Dahlstrom and others.