Little resemblance between bands

Tony Buhr

I am writing in response to the article “The House that Iowa built.” I thought I was reading a usually pointless article from Corey Moss. But then I became overly disappointed reading that somehow House of Large Sizes is the next Smashing Pumpkins.

Hello? Other than talking to Dave Deibler, have you even taken any time to research this article? HOLS bears little resemblance to the Smashing Pumpkins. Here are some examples:

1. Is Billy Corgan married to his bass player?

2. Does Billy Corgan use a Marshall with a tube driver and no special effects to compliment his guitar? No, Deibler does though!

3. Is Smashing Pumpkins a trio?

If you want to compare HOLS to a band, like every damn critic thinks they have to, I would compare them to a very small scaled AC/DC.

Where do I get this info? I looked at their new record label’s homepage, What Are Records, which Moss failed to mention in his article. The homepage states that AC/DC is the closest comparison to HOLS.

I’m not a huge fan of HOLS and I’m not a music critic. However, it angers me to see such crap on a “DAILY” basis.

Tony Buhr

