Wake up!

Lisa French

When I first read Ben Jones’ opinion article about Nosworthy’s hunger strike in Wednesday’s Daily, at first I rejoiced to myself: “Wow! Finally, someone is getting the point! This Jones guy has the right idea!” Then it hit me — our great school is so blind to it’s own shortcomings in diversity, in fact, it’s own racism.

I must admit, ashamedly, that until just recently, I had not concerned myself with the whole Catt renaming business or The September 29th Movement. In fact, I hadn’t even taken the time to educate myself about it. Then I was awakened by listening and reacting to Jane Elliott’s seminar, “The Anatomy of Prejudice.”

After the whole terrifying experience of admitting to myself that I am indeed a racist, I realized that this is the first step in the right direction. Iowa State University still has yet to receive the wake up call. If anything is ever going to get done in the fight against discrimination, our systems of higher education are going to have to wake up and realize that the proverbial shit has hit the fan, and it’s about time that it has.

Allan Nosworthy’s self-sacrificing hunger strike needs to be wholly supported by the administration of ISU, and Carrie Chapman Catt’s name needs to be removed from the building it is presently degrading. Furthermore, we as ISU students need to take a stand for not only what we believe is right but for the further fight against discrimination.

No one person or group is the only victim. Our nation, our relationships and our lives are all at stake until we finally notice that skins are not all one color, sexuality is not all one preference or “choice”, and being different in any way shape or form is truly a blessing which needs to be treated as such, not spit upon or gracefully avoided.

Lisa French

