Jischke not at fault

Chris Rosburg

I would just like to say a couple of things about Meron Wondwosen’s comment in last Thursday’s ISU Daily. She said if “Allan Nosworthy dies, his blood is on the hands of Jischke.”

First of all, that is the most disrespectful and ignorant statement I have ever heard. Dr. Jischke is not the one starving himself, and is certainly not the one who told Nosworthy to do this.

If Nosworthy dies it is no one’s fault but his own, hers and everyone else who pushed him to make this decision.

Sure, you all didn’t ask Nosworthy to do this, but it is your constant complaining and fighting with the university that would push a person to want to make a decision like this.

There are plenty of other methods to solve problems like these, but putting your life at risk and trying to put the blame on all the people who don’t agree with your arguments is not one of them.

Chris Rosburg

