T-Galaxy has been a popular place to skateboard, but skateboarders posed a nuisance to some pedestrians. Now the owner of T-Galaxy and the skateboarders are working to build a new skate park for Ames skateboarders.
Barry Nadler, president of T-Galaxy, and others, including several Ames skateboarders, are working to find a place to build a skate park they have planned jointly.
The proposed park includes a series of ramps and bars for skateboarders to hone their skills, Nadler said.
The 100 feet by 50 feet park would cost about $10,000. Skaters would be charged for admission in order to pay for upkeep, insurance and additions.
“It’s really just an issue of finding a location,” he said.
Nadler said the skate park will give skaters a place to skate so they won’t use business fronts.
“It will help the community because it will get them off the businesses in places where the community doesn’t necessarily want them in front of the businesses,” he said.
Nadler said the park would be run by Ames Skaters Unlimited, Inc., as a nonprofit corporation. Nadler said he, the skaters and other community members worked together to plan the park, with the skaters helping design the items in the park.
Max Highland, an 18-year-old skater, is a senior at Ames High School who helped with choosing the items in the skate park. He said the park will have a quarter pipe ramp, a bank ramp, one square fun box, one octagonal fun box, slider bars and a hip, which is double-sided ramp.
“If we get the park, we’ll help out building it,” he said. “People should support the skate park and try to help out because it will help the community.”
He said he would like to see the park built near Campustown.
He said the park would help the skaters stay out of trouble with police and allow them to practice their skating, a sport which Nadler calls “a fast-growing sport.”
Nadler, who is a lawyer, said he used to skateboard when he was young. “It’s come up as more of a physical sport than when I was doing it.”
Nadler said the items at the park will be for novices and intermediate skaters and more additions for more experienced skaters would come after some time.