‘The Energy Guy’ dies in accident at home Sunday

Steve Wilson, 64, died Sunday in an accident in his home. He was widely recognized as “The Energy Guy.”
January 22, 2019
Steve Wilson, recognized as “The Energy Guy,” died Sunday after falling from a ladder at his home, city officials said Monday.
Wilson, 64, penned a monthly column titled “Ask the Energy Guy” in the city of Ames utility newsletter.
As “The Energy Guy,” Wilson was the face of many public outreach campaigns by the city for saving energy.
“If you had any questions about energy conservation in Ames, that is who you would go to,” said Susan Gwiasda, public relations officer for the city of Ames.
Some accomplishments in his 18 years with Ames Electric Services include kickstarting smart energy rebates as well as other smart energy programs and starting the Eco Fair, originally referred to as the city of Ames Energy Fair.
Donald Kom, Ames Electric Services Director, worked with Wilson and released a statement in a city of Ames press release.
“We were saddened to learn of Steve’s passing,” Kom said. “Steve was very passionate about saving energy and providing information to people. He enjoyed working with customers, problem-solving, and helping them conserve energy.”
Funeral arrangements for Wilson have not yet been arranged.