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President Wendy Wintersteen provides updates on COVID-19 policies
Caitlin Yamada/ Iowa State Daily
Iowa State professors provided their opinions about the anti-tenure bill going through legislation.
July 2, 2020
In an email update on COVID-19 regulations, Iowa State President Wendy Wintersteen provided additional details for how Iowa State University plans to transition to a “new normal.”
“ISU’s goal is to ensure campus is ready for fall semester beginning the week of August 3,” the email sent out to the Iowa State community on Thursday stated. The email advises university supervisors to communicate to their employees whether or not they will be working remotely or on-campus by August 3.
“Supervisors should work with these employees to determine a date for their return to their normal/campus work location, either on or before August 3, in accordance with their unit’s workspace plan. For example, workspace plans may include staggered or rotating schedules to support physical distancing,” the email states.
On June 24, Wintersteen announced face coverings would be required on campus beginning this Wednesday. The email sent out to the Iowa State community on Thursday stated additional details will be provided next week on how this will be enforced on campus. For now, faculty may contact their supervisor and students may contact the Dean of Students Office to report individuals failing to wear face coverings.
For those living with someone, or are at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 themselves, may submit a request for an alternative work arrangement.
Students, faculty and staff experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or have come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 may receive a test at Thielen Student Health Center by filling out a pre-testing questionnaire.
Iowa State University employees may now travel within Iowa and the United States for university business, but must get supervisor approval. The email advises travelers to follow the CDC guidelines regarding travel. Due to the Board of Regents policy, international travel for university business is still prohibited.
Individuals with questions regarding Iowa State University’s COVID-19 policies can send questions to [email protected].