Letter: ‘Things have now changed’
Faculty members call for Iowa State University and the Iowa Board of Regents to reconsider COVID-19 mitigation policies for the fall semester in a letter to President Wendy Wintersteen.
August 18, 2021
Editor’s Note: This letter was sent to President Wendy Wintersteen on Aug. 13 and was updated with additional signatures on Monday.
President Wintersteen:
We, the undersigned faculty, are writing to the Board of Regents and Iowa State University to ask for a reconsideration of the plans for the COVID mitigation for the upcoming semester. We are deeply concerned about the effect the policies will have on the health, workload, and morale of the faculty at ISU.
Everyone had hoped that this semester would be a return to normal, or at least something resembling the pre-pandemic operations of the university. The anxiety from the constant fear about our health and the dramatic changes in how we could teach our students and engage in our research mission has taken a toll on the faculty. When the initial decisions about how the university would operate this Fall were made in April and May of 2021, they were in line with where we expected the pandemic to be at the start of this semester.
Things have now changed.
The number of new daily cases of COVID is more than double last year’s numbers. The Delta variant spreads much more easily and widely. While vaccines provide strong protection from the Delta variant, we do not have good estimates of what proportion of our students, faculty, and staff are vaccinated.
Currently, around 60% of adults in Iowa are vaccinated. If the ISU community mirrors those numbers, 40% of us are unvaccinated, meaning thousands of us are at heightened risk. Breakthrough cases amongst the vaccinated are rare, but there have already been reports of breakthrough cases on campus.
We are asking you to strengthen the current protocols on campus in two ways:
1) We seek compliance with the CDC recommendation that even vaccinated people wear a mask when in indoor settings. This would involve reinstating the mask mandate from last academic year, with the necessary exceptions for people with conditions that prevent mask-wearing. In particular, we request that faculty and staff be allowed to require others to wear masks in their offices.
2) Members of our community who are at a higher risk from COVID or who might be living with someone who is at higher risk need a policy exempting them from normal (in-class, in-person) activities. As a public institution, ISU is bound not only by the letter of the law, but also by the spirit of the law. The Americans with Disability Act requirements for this type of accommodation are legally unclear, but they are clearly in the spirit of that federal law.
ISU faculty and staff are facing the new academic year with great trepidation. We need better and stronger policies to protect the ISU community as quickly as possible. If we truly believe in “Science with Practice,” then it is vital that we follow the science-based recommendations of the CDC.
David A.M. Peterson, Lucken Professor of Political Science
Dean Adams, Distinguished Professor, EEOB Department
Zack Bonner Lecturer Department of Political Science
Dennis Lavrov, Professor, EEOB
Richard W. Mansbach, Professor, Department of Political Science
Pol Herrmann, Bob and Kay Smith Professor of Entrepreneurship
Anne Bronikowski, Professor, EEOB
Chaoqun Lu, Associate Professor, EEOB
Scott Feinstein, Assistant Professor of Political Science
Tao Wang, assistant professor, history
Cristina Poleacovschi, Assistant Professor, CCEE
Nicole Valenzuela, Professor, EEOB Department
Monica Gordillo Teaching Professor, Ivy College of Business
Xinwei Wang, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Ryan Weaver, Term Assistant Professor, EEOB
Marian Kohut, Professor, Kinesiology
Jonathan F. Wendel, Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Biology
Otavio Bartalotti, Associate Professor, Economics
Toby Nelson [CCE E]
Jessica Taylor, PhD Candidate, CCEE
Spyridoula Vazou, Associate Professor, Kinesiology
Yu Wang, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science
Ann E. Russell, Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Natural Resource Ecology &
Prof. Panteleimon Ekkekakis, Dept. of Kinesiology
Luan M. Nguyen, Graduate Student, CCEE
Cathy Bullock – Assistant Teaching Professor., School of Education
Steven Hall, Associate Professor, EEOB
Kristen M Johansen, Roy J Carver Professor & Chair, BBMB
Jacob Meyer, Assistant Professor, Kinesiology
Scott Nelson, Associate Professor, Roy J. Carver Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and
Molecular Biology
Baoyu (Stone) Chen, Assistant Professor, Roy J. Carver Department of Biochemistry,
Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Alan A. DiSpirito, Professor, Roy J. Carver Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and
Molecular Biology
Scott Becker, BBMB
Andrew Stewart, Postdoctoral Research Associate, BBMB
Ren Yue, Teaching Professor, Dept of Political Science
Tracy Heath, Associate Professor, EEOB
Penny, Ph.D. student, BBMB
Rui Chen, Associate Professor, ISBA
Ling Zhang, assistant professor, AESHM
Dr. Benjamin Johnson, Assistant Professor, Department of Geological and Atmospheric
Elizabeth Swanner Smith, Associate Professor, Department of Geological and Atmospheric
Lynn G. Clark, Interim Chair, EEOB
Gustavo MacIntosh, Professor, BBMB
Racheal Ruble, Associate Teaching Professor, Psychology
Sabrina Shields-Cook
Chengxin Cao, assistant professor, ISBA
Richard C. Schultz, University Professor
Carly Manz, Associate Teaching Professor, GDCB Department
Aaron Wood, Associate Teaching Professor, Geological and Atmospheric Sciences
Grant Arndt, Associate Professor, World Languages and Cultures
April Eisman, Associate Professor, Art & Visual Culture
Basil J. Nikolau, Frances M. Craig Professor of Biochemistry
Karri Haen Whitmer, Teaching Professor, GDCB
Kyaw Aung, Assistant Professor, GDCB
Annaleena Parhankangas, Ivy College of Business, Kingland Professor and Associate
Professor of Entrepreneurship
Don Sakaguchi, Morrill Professor, Genetics, Development and Cell Biology
Marit Nilsen-Hamilton
Mohan Gupta, Associate Professor, GDCB
Raquel Espin Palazon, Assistant Professor, GDCB
Lori Biederman, Adjunct Associate Professor, Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
Kate Padgett Walsh, Associate Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies
Sherry Berghefer, Teaching Professor, Greenlee School
Jennifer Anderson, Recruiter III, College of Design
Jorgen Johansen, Professor, BBMB
John Pleasants
Kan Wang, Professor, Department of Agronomy
Hantang Qin, Assistant Professor, Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Li-Shan Chou, Professor and Chair, Department of Kinesiology
Clyde Campbell, Adjunct Professor, GDCB
Wendong Zhang, Associate Professor, Department of Economics
Amy Erica Smith, Associate Professor of Political Science
Daniel Kool, PhD student, BBMB
Sarah Anderson, Assistant Professor, GDCB
Elizabeth Stegemoller, Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology
Kelly Winfrey, assistant professor, journalism
Heimir Geirsson, Professor Philosophy and Religious Studies
Travis Chilcott, Associate Profess, Philosophy and Religious Studies
Cullen Padgett Walsh, Teaching Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies
Travis Butler, associate professor of philosophy
Megan Myers, Associate Professor of Spanish, World Languages and Cultures
Jianming Yu, Professor, Agronomy
Wenli Zhang, Assistant Professor, College of Business
Linnel Marie Ballesteros, PhD Student, Civil Engineering
Tonmoy Sarker, Graduate Research Assistant, CCEE
David Hollander, Professor, Department of History
Jeanne Serb, Associate Professor, EEOB
Degang Chen, Jerry Junkins Chair Professor, ECpE
Michael Bailey, Professor, Department of History
Xueyu Song, professor, chemistry
Randall Geiger, Professor, Electrical nd Computer Engineering
Zhengyuan Zhu, Professor, Department of Statistics
Stephen Biggs
Ken Tsai, Assistant Professor, Department of Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management
Sarah Bennett-George, Associate Professor of Teaching – Apparel, Events, and Hospitality
Dan Zhu, Professor, ISBA/CS
Hua Sun, Associate Professor, College of Business
Maartje Schouten, Assistant Professor, Department of Management and Entrepreneurship
Miranda Curzon, Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Resource Ecology & Management
Xiongtao Dai, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
Smaranda Andrews, Assistant Teaching Professor
Timothy Stewart, Associate Professor, NREM
Courtney Wilson, Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Philosophy and Religious
Ashley Marsh, Administrative Assistant
Susan Cloud, communications specialist
Kate Garretson, Administrative Assistant, Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Sarah M. Ryan, Interim Chair, IMSE
Abby M. Dubisar
Sergio Lence, Professor, Department of Economics
Elisa Rizo, Associate Professor of Spanish, WLC
Rachel Meyers, Associate Professor, World Languages and Cultures
J. Arbuckle, Professor, Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice
Ken Moore, Distinguished Professor, Agronomy
Helle Bunzel, Associate Professor, Economics
Juan Carlos Cordoba, professor, Department of Economics
Karen M. Kedrowski, Director, Carrie Chapman Catt Center
Alejandro Plastina, Associate Professor, Department of Economics
Charles Nagle, Associate Professor, World Languages and Cultures
Brent Kreider, Professor of Economics
Eve Syrkin Wurtele
Meredith Foley, Student Services Specialist, College of Design
Marna Yandeau-Nelson, Associate Professor, GDCB
Matthew Hufford, Associate Professor, EEOB
Gil DePaula, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
Andrew Pitchford, Assistant Professor, Kinesiology
Michael Wannemuehler, Professor, VMPM, Associate Director of the Nanovaccine Institute
David Hennessy, Professor, Department of Economics
Novotny Lawrence Associate Professor Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication &
English Department
Gary Lyn, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
Irene Jacqz, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
Jeanine Aune
Joydeep Bhattacharya, Professor of Economics
Travis Sippel, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Diana C. Figueredo – School of Education
D. Raj Raman, Morrill Professor, Ag and Biosys Eng
Erin Norton, Program Specialist III, FSHN
Cinzia Cervato, Morrill Professor, Geological & Atmospheric Sciences
Gabriel Rodriguez, Assistant Professor, School of Education
Bridget Livers, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences
Kathleen Hilliard, Department of History
Matt Helmers, Professor, ABE
Pamela Riney-Kehrberg, Distinguished Professor, History
Shan Hu, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Joseph Burnett, Professor of Teaching, Chemistry
Shankar Subramaniam, Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Dandan Zhang/Graduate Student (research assistant)/BBMB
William Gutowski, Professor, Dept. of Geological & Atmospheric Sciences
Zengyi Shao, Associate Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Alex Gonzalez, Assistant Professor, Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences
Dr. David Appy, Assoc. Prof. of Teaching, Chemistry Department
Rajesh Singh, Professor, Economics
Michelle Grawe, Lab Manager, MSE
Massimo Marengo, Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Michael Christopher Low, Assistant Professor, Department of History
Jack Dekkers, Animal Science
Jing Li, Lecturer, Accounting
Xuefeng Wang, associate professor, physics and astronomy
Linda Shenk, Associate Professor, Department of English
Soumik Sarkar, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Emmanuel Agba, ME
Sarah Dees, Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies
Patricia Daugherty, Ivy Chair in Business, Dept. of Supply Chain Management
Michael Olsen, Professor, Mechanical Engineering
John Monroe, Professor, History
Amy Sue Bix, Professor, History
Amanda Weinstein, Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Lawrence T. McDonnell, Assistant Professor, History
Cris Schwartz, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Adarsh Krishnamurthy, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Frank Montabon, Professor of Supply Chain Management
Kimberly Zarecor, Professor, Architecture
Donghyuk Kim, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
Mayly Sanchez, Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Jeffrey Kushkowski, Professor, University Library
Holly Dunlay-Lott; academic advisor; Materials Engineering
Celeste Chaves, Assistant Teaching Professor in Spanish, WLC
Aaron Rossini, Associate Professor, Chemistry
Betty A Dobratz, Professor Sociology, ISU
Elizabeth Hoffman, Professor of Economics
Anwesha Sarkar, Adjunct Assistant Professor, ECpE, ISU
Andrew Gleeson Assistant Teaching Professor of Architecture Iowa State University
Andrea Klocke, Academic Advisor, MSE
Rebecca Flint, Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Meltem Denizel, Assoc. Prof. Supply Chain Management, Ivy College of Business
Song-Charng Kong, Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department
Daniel Kuhlmann, Assistant Professor, CRP
Susan Stewart, Professor, Sociology
Qian Wang
Ulrike Passe, Professor, Architecture
Douglas Gentile, Professor, Psychology
Warren H. Phillips, Ph.D.; Associate Teaching Professor; Dept of Psychology
Julia Badenhope, Professor of Landscape Architecture
Deborah Tootle Associate Professor Community and Regional Planning
Susan E. Cross, Professor and Chair, Dept. of Psychology
Samantha Robinson-Adams
Amy Murphy, Associate Teaching Professor in the Department of English
Jonathan Kelly, Professor, Psychology
Teresa Paschke, professor, Department of Art and Visual Culture
Monica Haddad, Professor, Community and Regional Planning
Whitney Baker, Academic Advisor, Psychology
Carlton Basmajian, Associate Professor, Community & Regional Planning
Shana Carpenter, Professor, Psychology
Tom Neppl, Landscape Architecture
Jason Chan, Associate Professor of Psychology
Martin Acerbo, Associate Teaching Professor, Psychology
Kathryn Bunda, PhD Student, Psychology
Herman Quirmbach, Ranking Member, IA Senate Ed Committee; Assoc. Prof., Economics (Retired)
Mariah Kemp
Brian Burmeister, Assistant Teaching Professor, English Department
Douglas Spencer, Associate Professor, DoGE, Architecture
Rodney O. Fox, Anson Marston Distinguished Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Steven Kawaler, Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Leslie Potter, Teaching Professor, IMSE
Anna Wehde, PhD Candidate, Counseling Psychology
Davelle Cheng, Doctoral Candidate, Psychology
Jeremy Withers, Associate Professor, English
Dr. Ravindra Singh, Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Carrie Ann Johnson, PhD Candidate, RPC
Kasandra Diaz
Dr. Stephanie Loveland, Teaching Professor, CBE
Deborah Hauptmann, Professor of Architecture
Natalie Meyer – Associate Teaching Professor – English Department
Clark Coffman Associate Professor Genetics, Development, and Cell Biology
Monica Marsee, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
Wenzhen Li, Associate Professor, CBE
Nicole L. Hayes, doctoral candidate, Psychology
Wesley Lefferts, Assistant Professor, Kinesiology
Elizabeth Lefferts, Post-doctoral Fellow, Dept. of Kinesiology
Alicia Taylor, Graduate Research Assistant, FSHN
Biswa Das Associate Professor Community and Regional Planning
Alexandra Borst, Graduate Student, Neuroscience
Alyssa Emery, Assistant Professor, School of Education
Ulrike Genschel, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics
Gabe Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
Dani Hayes, Ph.D. student, EEB
Kori Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics
Steven Rodermel, Distinguished Professor, GDCB
Matthew Wetstein, Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Jess Severe, Statistics
Farzad Sabzikar, Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
Rebecca Ying, Ph.D Student, Psychology
Mark Kaiser, Professor of Statistics
Margaret Mathison, Associate Teaching Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Claire Kruesel, Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Roy J. Carver Dept. of BBMB
Sonal Padalkar
Kris De Brabanter. Associate professor, department of statistics & department of industrial and
manufacturing systems engineering
Brittany Cavazos, PhD Candidate, EEOB Department
Marta Vessoni -Lence, Associate Teaching Professor, WLC
Jessica Brock, graduate student & TA, Dept of English
Arka Ghosh, Professor, Statistics
Maureen Moroney, Research Scientist, Midwest Grape and Wine Industry Institute; graduate
student, Interdepartmental Microbiology
Hans Klein-Hewett, Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture
Amy Rutenberg, Associate Professor of History
Zac Brennan, PhD Student, Mathematics
Tanzim Rahat (MATH)
Carl Weems, Professor, HDFS
David Cantor, Professor of Supply Chain Management
Mitch Haeuser, PhD Student, Department of Mathematics
Jim Evans, Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy
Jason McCullough, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics
Simon Deng, Ph.D student, Department of Mathematics
Caleb Camrud, Lead TA and PhD Candidate, Department of Mathematics
Cameron Rayburn, Assistant Teaching Professor, AER E
Andy Bock, Library Assistant; VP AFSCME Local 96
Jonathan Hassid, Associate Professor, Political Science
D Kinney, MATH
Claus Kadelka, Assistant Professor, Math
El-Lim Kim, Graduate Assistant, Department of Psychology
Margaret Musser, Assistant Professor of Oncology, Veterinary Medicine
Tomas Gonzalez-Torres, Associate Teach Professor, Aer E Dept.
Leonard J. Bond, Professor, Aerospace Engineering
April Blong, DVM, DACVECC – Veterinary clinical sciences
Austin Viall, Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary Pathology
William Q. Meeker, Distinguished Professor, Department of Statistics
Aron Nakama, Teaching Lab Coordinator, GDCB
Frank Krennrich, Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Enrique Gomez-Leos, PhD Student, Department of Mathematics
James Rossmanith, Department of Mathematics
Jennifer Johannsen, Associate Teaching Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Steve Butler, Barbara J Janson Professor of Mathematics
Haylie Lawson, DVM, Oncology Resident
Paul Durbin, Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Alicia Carriquiry, Distinguished Professor and President’s Chair, Statistics
Caleb Logemann, Department of Mathematics
Sarah Kyle, Professor, Art & Visual Culture
Dr. Corey Welch, STEM Scholars Program
Kay Chen (vet student)
Jennifer Newman, Scott Hanna Faculty Fellow in Mathematics
Vinay Dayal, Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Bambi Yost, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture
Beatriz Pereira, Assistant Professor, Marketing
Manju Reddy, Professor, Food Science and Human Nutrition
Jeremy Best, Assistant Professor, History
Megan Gilligan
Marielle Machacek, PhD student, Department of Psychology
Daejin Kim, Assistant Professor of Interior Design
Jeannette R. Olson, Associate Teaching Professor, School of Education
Evan Camrud, PhD Candidate, Mathematics
Ingrid Lilligren, Professor, Art & Visual Culture
Miranda Tilton, PhD Student, Statistics
Aniket Banerjee , TA , Math
Heather Bolles, Teaching Professor, Mathematics
Taren Reker, Director, LAS Career Services
Jacob W. Petrich, Professor, Department of Chemistry
Jamie Kopper
Somak Dutta, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics
Jinoh Kim, Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Iloria Phoenix Lopez, M.A. Psychology Department
Eleanor N. Field, Entomology
Tunde Adeleke, Dept. of History
Eric Schares, Librarian, University Library
Laura Van Vertloo, Assistant Professor, Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Jane M. Rongerude, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Community and Regional
Michael S Ford, Assistant Professor of Practice, Interior Design
Dr. Natalia Singh
Audra Hartwigsen, Business Administrator BMS
Rebecca Walton, Veterinary clinical sciences
Kirk Wilkins, Assistant Teaching Professor, English
Anna Peterson, Associate Professor of Teaching, Statistics
Martha Selby, faculty, Materials Science and Engineering
Christina Gayer Campbell, Associate Professor, Food Science and Human Nutrition
Thomas Griffin, PhD Student, Department of Mathematics
Chengde Wu, Associate Professor, Architecture
Ashley Phipps, M.Ed., Academic Advisor and Instructor, Psychology Department
Marzia Rosati, Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Christine Lippard, Associate Professor, HDFS
Michael Cho, Professor, BMS
Kristi Costabile, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
Amanda Baker, Assistant Professor, School of Education
Julie Stevens, Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture
Sydney Miyasaki, Graduate Student, Mathematics
Alan Wanamaker, professor, Geological and Atmospheric Sciences
Aditya Ramamoorthy, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Abdul Basit, Postdoc Research Associate, Department of Mathematics
Kala Sullivan, HDFS
Yuyu Zhou, Associate Professor, GEAT
Robert S. Wallace, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology
Brent Danielson, Professor Emeritus, Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
Dr. Laura Ziegler, Associate Teaching Professor, Statistics
Chris Morris, Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice
Shravanti Suresh, PhD candidate, Biochemistry
Amy Popillion, HDFS
Maggie LaWare, English/Program in Speech Communication
Wade Dismukes, Graduate candidate, Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology
Sunghyun Kang, Professor, Graphic Design
Alejandro Andreotti – Mathematics
Christian Meissner, Professor, Psychology
T. Thippeswamy, Professor, BMS
Iver Anderson, Adjunct Professor, Mat. Sci. & Eng.
Chris Rehmann, Associate Professor, Civil, Construction, & Environmental Engineering
John Wagner Academic Advisor ME
Kristin Yvonne Rozier, Associate Professor, AERE
Kaoru Ikuma, Assistant Professor, Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Erin Bergquist, Clinical Professor, FSHN
Samantha Cross, Associate Professor, Marketing
Priyanka, Ph.D. candidate, BCB
Nancy Gebhart, PhD student, School of Education
Ha Vu, Ph.D. student, GDCB
Shan Jiang, Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Gordon J. Miller, University Professor, Department of Chemistry
Iddo Friedberg, Associate Professor, Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine
Kirk A. Moloney, Professor Emeritus, EEOB
Robert Jernigan, Professor, BBMB
Haozhe Chen, Associate Professor, Supply Chain Management
Ali Jannesari, Assistant Professor, CS Department
Aayushi Singh, PhD candidate, Dept. Of chemistry
Carmen Gomes, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Ashwini, PhD student, GDCB
Sreemoyee Acharya PhD, Postdoctoral Scientist (Cedars Sinai) Ex-Iowa State University
Biomedical Sciences
Lynna Chu, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics
Karin Lawton-Dunn, Graduate College Career Services
Amy Toth, Professor, EEOB and Entomology
Jun Cui, Associate Professor, MSE
Shenglan Zhang, WLC
Radford Davis, Associate Professor of Public Health, Veterinary Micro & Preventive Medicine
Peng Liu, Professor, Department of Statistics
Ashley Morton, Academic Advisor, Engineering Student Services
Anne Foegen, Professor, School of Education
Tina Prouty, Academic Advisor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Brian D. Behnken, Department of History
Chandru Charavaryamath, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Sciences
Patrick Morton, Registrar Specialist II
Stephen D. Holland, Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering
Thomas J. Mansell, Assistant Professor, Karen and Denny Vaughan Faculty Fellow, Chemical
and Biological Engineering
Xinglin Jia, PhD student, Math
Namrata Vaswani, Professor, ECpE
Sherry Xie, Assistant Teaching Professor, CoB
Andrea Quam, Associate Professor Graphic Design
Stacey Ross, ECpE Graduate Admissions Coordinator
Nicole Allaire, Associate Teaching Professor, Department of English
Dr. Angela Zalucha, Lecturer, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Rosalie Vos Tulp Academic Adviser – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Greg Phillips, Professor, VMPM
Auriel A. Willette, Assistant Professor, Food Science and Human Nutrition
David Fernández-Baca, Professor, Department of Computer Science
Susan Yager, Morrill Professor of English
Tonglu Li, World Languages and Cultures
Dan Coffey, Academic Librarian
Paul Sacks, Department of Mathematics
Chad Sanborn, Graphic Designer, Engineering-LAS Online Learning
Jim Ranalli, Assistant Professor, Department of English
Sayantani Ghosh, Graduate student, Computer Science
Devna Popejoy-Sheriff Academic Advisor III IMSE
Mindy Heggen, Academic Advisor
Paul Spry, Professor, GEAT
Justin Remes, Associate Professor, Department of English
Jackie Kester, Academic Advisor, Aer E
Jae Hwa Lee, Assistant Professor, Interior Design
Charles J. Castinado, Graduate Teaching Assistant, ISU Department of English
Ryan Smith, Associate Professor, Entomology
Anupam Sharma (Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering)
Kevin Quinteros, Graduate Assistant, Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology
Carlos Cardoso, Associate Professor, Industrial Design, College of Design
Kristin Stoner, Associate Teaching Professor
Barbara Caldwell, Professor, Art and Visual Culture Department
Dipali Sashital, Associate Professor, BBMB
Pranav Shrotriya
Xiaolei Shi, adjunct assistant professor, Food Science and Human Nutrition
Neha Mehrotra, Associate Teaching Professor, Community and Regional Planning
Chunhui Xiang, Associate Professor, Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management
Dr. Natalie Deam, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of English
Ming-Chen Hsu, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Jeanne Beck, Department of English
Anne Kretsinger-Harries, Assistant Professor, Dept. of English
Carlos Toledo
Thomas Iadecola, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Cindy Northcutt
Lesley Bartlett, Department of English
Patrick Determan, Academic Advisor, Software Engineering
Emily Riley-Smith, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of English
Jamie Kopper, Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Julia K. Bilek, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of English
S Andari (BCB/STAT)
Tonglu Li, Associate Professor, World Languages and Cultures
Elena Cotos, Associate Professor, Department of English
Bernard J Canniffe
Jean McMaken
Vaishali Todi, PhD student, GDCB
Chad Hunter, landscape architecture department
Carrie Berg, Associate Teaching Professor, Biomedical Sciences
John Hascall, Senior Security Architect, ITS
A’Ja Lyons, Teaching Assistant, English
Tara Labovich, Graduate Teaching Assistant, English Department
Brandon Sams, Associate Professor of English
Laura Michael Brown, Asst. Professor, Dept. of English
Yiu Tung Poon, Professor, Department of Mathematics
Md Rafiul Islam, Postdoc, Mathematics
Ying Zhou
Joanna Held, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics
Paul Villanueva, Graduate Research Assistant, Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering
Matthew Femrite, Legal Analyst, Child Welfare Research and Training Project
Andrew Severin, Manager Research, Office of Biotechnology
Elizabeth McNeill, Assistant Professor FSHN
Abigail Boyd, Graduate Research Assistant, Food Science and Technology
Henri Chung, Graduate Student, BCB
Shannon Grundmeier, Change Specialist, IT Services Office of CIO
Karin Cho, Graduate Student, FSHN
Matthew Moore, Graduate Student, English Department
Jack Lutz, Professor of Computer Science
Vinchencia Anderson
Johanna Burr
Dana LeVine, Associate Professor of Small Animal Internal Medicine, Veterinary Clinical
Ruoyu Wu, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
Haldre Rogers, Associate Professor, EEOB
K. L. Cook, Professor of English
Reeve Johnson, Mathematics Post-Baccalaureate Graduate Student
Jacob E. Larsen, Director, Language Studies Resource Center, Department of World
Languages and Cultures
Craig Rood, Associate Professor, Department of English
Allya Yourish, MFA student, Creative Writing and the Environment
Catherine Engstrom, Associate Teaching Professor, Department of English
Cathy Miller, Professor and Chair, Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine
Chris Cox, PostDoc, Mathematics
Mark Lyte, Professor, Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine
Maurice Meilleur, Assistant Professor, Graphic Design
Julie Dickerson
Soo Bin Chun, Graduate Research Assistant, Civil, Construction and Environmental
George Elliott, Graduate Student, Chemistry
Verena Paepcke-Hjeltness, Assistant Professor Industrial Design
Amie Zarling, PhD, HDFS
Robyn Lutz, Professor, Dept. of Computer Science
Joanne Marshall, Associate Professor, School of Education
Jennifer Scaccianoce, Clinical Assistant Professor, Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Annabelle Lolinco, PhD Student, Chemistry
Kelli Fitzpatrick, Hogrefe Fellow, English Department
Pauline Freud, Graduate Student, Psychology Department
Neil Lutz, Affiliate Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Matt Liebman, Professor, Agronomy
Jeff Sorensen, Manager, IT Services
Julie Riha, Clinical Assistant Professor, Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Cindy Gould, Associate Professor, College of Design
Mikesch Muecke, Associate Professor of Architecture
Andrew K. Bolstad, Adjunct Assistant Professor, ECpE
Soma Chaudhuri, Assoc Prof, Computer Science
Akhilesh Tyagi, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jasmine Hanson, Graduate Student, CVM
Emily Heath, Postdoc, Mathematics
Douglas Wieczorek, Associate Professor, School of Education
Wallapak Tavanapong, Professor, Computer Science
Hongyang Gao, Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Gurpur Prabhu, Associate Professor, Computer Science
John Cunnally, Professor, Art & Visual Culture
Diane Al Shihabi, Associate Professor, DOGE, Interior Design
Steve Kautz, Teaching Professor, Computer Science
James McCormick, Professor, Political Science
Rob Maroc, Lecturer & Lab Coordinator, Industrial Design
Anna Aversing, Associate Professor of Practice
Soonee Sill Record Analyst II
Zachary Lones, alumni
Justin Nauman, Systems Analyst III, Admissions
Arun Seetharam, Research Scientist IV, EEOB/GDCB
Anilisa, PhD candidate, GDCB
Heidi Hohmann, Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture
Kevin Lair Assistant Teaching Professor Architecture
Myra Cohen, Professor, Computer Science
Matthew E. Nelson, Assistant Teaching Professor and M2I Director, Aerospace Engineering
Joshua Rosenbloom, Professor, Economics and Courtesy Professor, History
Shaodong Wang, PhD student at IMSE
Jian Li, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
Charissa Menefee, Professor, LAS
Qing li IMSE
Miyoung Oh, Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Economics
James Cochran, Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Yiqun Jiang, Industrial Engineering
Xuan Hien Nguyen, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics
SoJung Lee, Associate Professor, AESHM
Adisak Sukul, Associate Teaching Professor, Computer Science
Yan-Bin Jia, Professor, Computer Science
Natalie Clark, Postdoc, PLP M
Nicole Humphrey, Advisor, Study Abroad Center
Esther Crompton, GTA, English Department
Diane Bugeja, Professor of Teaching
Kelly L. Reddy-Best, associate professor, apparel, events, and hospitality management
Anirudh Naig, Associate Professor, AESHM
Caroline Westort, Dept of Landscape Architecture
Guowen Song, Professor and Lloyd Chair, AESHM department
Samuel Haeuser, PhD Student, Department of Physics & Astronomy
Elizabeth McMurchie, PhD Student, EEOB
Bryce Kibbel, DVM Clinical assistant professor VCS
Jasmine Martin, PhD Student and Teaching Assistant, Mathematics
EunHa Jeong, Associate Professor, AESHM
Alexander Braidwood, Associate Professor, Graphic Design
Greg Welk, Kinesiology
KP Williams, Leadership Studies
Simanta Mitra, Teaching Professor, COM S
Brian Wilsey, Professor, Dept. Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology
Santos Nunez, Engineering Student Services
Lisa Fontaine, Associate Professor of Graphic Design
L Alison Phillips, Associate Professor of Psychology
Olivia Valentine, Assistant Professor, Art and Visual Culture
Carolyn Elbert, Associate Teaching Professor, Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management
Ben McCarty, Student Services Specialist, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Fırat Erdim, Assistant Professor of Architecture
Vivekananda Roy, Statistics
Michael Catanzaro, Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Quinn Weninger, Professor, Department of Economics
Luke Roling, Assistant Professor, Chemical & Biological Engineering
Susan Bradbury, Professor, Department of Community & Regional Planning
John Winters, Professor, Department of Economics
Lukas Sotola, Graduate assistant, Department of Psychology
Ann Oberhauser, Professor, Dept of Sociology and Criminal Justice
Paul R. Bruski, Associate Professor, Graphic Design
Rachel Haywood, Associate Professor, Dept of World Languages and Cultures
Kathleen Delate, Professor, Depts. of Agronomy & Horticulture
Nicole Jandick, PhD Candidate, Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine
Kimberly Hope, Program Specialist, College of LAS
Rajeev Arora
Matthew Tan Creti, Assistant Teaching Professor, Computer Science
Bertan Turhan, Assistant Professor, Department of economics
Malinda Cooper Academic Advisor III Design
Rita Mookerjee, Assistant Teaching Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies
Volker Hegelheimer, Professor, Dept. of English
Paula Herrera-Siklody, Teaching Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Harsha Vajjhala, Student, CS department
Dane Mayhook, Assistant Teaching Professor, Mathematics
Stewart L. Burger, Assistant Teaching Professor, Hospitality Management
Partha Sarkar, Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Gloria Betcher, Teaching Professor, Department of English
Sarah Russell, Business Administrator II, VMPM/VPTH
Karla Ruden, Assistant Teaching Professor, English
Lauren Kueffer, PhD Candidate, BBMB
Paola G. Pittoni, Associate Teaching Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Hui Feng
Jennifer Drinkwater, Associate Professor, Art & Visual Culture
Alexis Marsh, PhD Student, Computer Science
Petrutza Caragea, Professor of Statistics
A. Susana Goggi, Professor, Agronomy
Ann Marie Fiore, University Professor, Apparel, Events and Hospitality Management
Amy Walton, Associate Teaching Professor, Department of English
Brianna Burke
Samik Basu, Professor, Computer Science
Katerina Holan, Graduate Research Assistant, PLP M
Debarpan Dhar
Doreen Chung, Associate Professor, Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management
Nick Senske
Alex Travesset, Professor of Physics
Janet Melby, Adjunct Professor, Human Development and Family Studies
Sue Ravenscroft, Emerita Professor, Accounting
W. Allen Miller, Professor, Virologist, PLPM
Inyoung, PhD, Applied Linguistics and Technology
D. Sevier, Assistant Teaching Professor, Industrial Design
Jinu Kabala, Assistant Teaching Professor, Computer Science
Brian Spears, Lecturer, English
Rafael Pluta, Admin Spec II, Economics
Sebastien Feve, Teaching Professor, ME
John Lajoie, Professor of Physics
Zoë Fay-Stindt, Teach Assistant, English Department
Shellie Hosch, Student Services, Design College
Fritz Keinert, Assoc. Prof. Mathematics
Jacob B. Simon, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Jeff Happe, Alum, sidewalk pedestrian & bicyclist
Anson Call, Associate Professor, Graphic Design
James Lang, Assistant Professor, Kinesiology
Connie Hardy, Program Specialist, Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension and Outreach
E. Godbey
Brad Eilers, Academic Advisor, Aerospace Engineering
Rudy Valentine, Associate Professor, Kinesiology
Erin Thomas, Academic Librarian, University Library
Diane Rover, University Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering