Letter writer Rachel Vipond encourages support for the THRIVE Act to help prevent the impacts of climate change on our communities.
I spent last weekend hiking Iowa trails and dreaming of a future where anyone can access the joy I find outdoors, one where it’s safe for my friends to swim in the rivers, one where my neighbor kids can live without fear for years to come. And Iowans have a right to that future: to clean air, safe water and a livable planet.
But due to carbon-burning energy companies, health and economic distress made worse by the pandemic and the impending climate crisis, that kind of life is simply not accessible to many of us — especially those in marginalized communities. And without swift action, it will become an irreversible reality for every Iowan.
We have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to act on all of this, but the timing is crucial — climate change isn’t waiting, and Joe Biden’s current infrastructure plan is five times too small to bring emissions down to safe levels. From investments in climate solutions to 15 million good union jobs and public health infrastructure, the THRIVE Act would transform both our climate and social justice trajectory.
Join Iowa CCI members in securing our future: Call your member of Congress and demand they support THRIVE: bit.ly/thriveiowa.
Rachel Vipond is an alumn of Iowa State.