Letter writer Diane Jones advocates for the improvement of women's conditions during COVID-19.
The COVID-19 pandemic impacts millions of Americans, and American women are bearing the brunt of that impact. Over 140,000 jobs were lost in December. Those net job losses were all from women. And the majority were lost by Black women and women of color (from CNN, Jan. 8).
Women that are working during the pandemic are often doing so in essential positions for lower wages, no paid leave and/or health care. Women fortunate enough to be working from home are also doing the majority of parenting and home schooling. Women need real help and need it now.
This help should focus on three priorities that will help American women:
Safe recovery of lost jobs$15 minimum wageA Marshall Plan for Moms
I am fortunate enough to be able to help with child care and remote learning for my grandkids, but many women and families don’t have that support. Until women have the support needed, we cannot fully contribute to and participate in the American recovery.
Diane Jones is an alumnus from the class of 1984 and received their degree in chemical engineering.