Galloway: Why taking cold showers can be a good thing


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Close up of a shower head flowing water in a bathroom.

Noah Galloway

There is a Dutch athlete named Wim Hof who is known for his ability to endure temperatures of extreme cold. He attributes this unique skill to his breathing techniques that supposedly allow him to handle intense temperature discomfort. He is the reason why I began taking cold showers a couple years ago. There are many health benefits for partaking in this routine. Cold showers improve overall health and increase mental toughness.

Cold showers are known to improve immunity because the frigid water results in an increase in metabolic speed rates which activate the immune system. This leads to the release of additional white blood cells.

Cold showers can also improve your skin and hair. Medical Daily offered their take on the issue.

“Hot water has the tendency to dry out our skin, so it’s best to use cold water to tighten your cuticles and pores, which will prevent them from getting clogged. Cold water can “seal” the pores in the skin and scalp too, preventing dirt from getting in,” according to the Medical Daily.

This is a stress relieving habit. Menprovement mentioned some thoughts on the topic, “they will lower levels of uric acid, and boost levels of Glutathione in your blood—making you less stressed in general”.

Cold Showers relieve depression. The Art of Manliness said, “Research at the Department of Radiation Oncology at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine indicates that short, cold showers may stimulate the brain’s “blue spot”—the brain’s primary source of noradrenaline—a chemical that could help mitigate depression”.

Cold showers jumpstart weight loss, help you wake up, go to sleep and they aid in muscle recovery after a difficult workout by preventing swelling. The body receives the best sleep in a cool state. A cold shower an hour before bed is very helpful in receiving a good night’s sleep. James Bond is known to take Scottish showers. This shower begins hot and ends ice cold and he is the most calm and cool dude there is.

Cold showers build will power and emotional resilience. Science Direct mentioned, “This can be viewed as an adaptation to repeated oxidative stress, and is postulated as mechanism for body hardening. Hardening is the exposure to a natural, e.g., thermal stimulus, resulting in an increased tolerance to stress, e.g., diseases.” There are a plethora of reasons why you should indulge in this habit. Cold showers boost fertility in addition to increasing testosterone.

Taking cold showers improves health and mental toughness. It provides many health benefits for the human body. This is one of the best things you can do to improve your health. The first cold shower will be very miserable but I promise you it only gets better. There is a big mental aspect of doing this. Right from the start of the day you are telling off that voice that wants you to be comfortable and content with where you are at in life.