International Women’s Day 2022
Courtesy of Valentina Conde on Unsplash
International Women’s Day is recognized each year on March 8.
March 7, 2022
#BreakTheBias is the theme of International Women’s Day 2022 according to the International Women’s Day website, with equality at the heart of the message.
“Imagine a gender equal world,” the website states. “A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that’s diverse, equitable and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women’s equality. Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias.”
Rae Umthun, a sophomore in horticulture, feels as though International Women’s Day allows people to recognize what needs to be an ongoing conversation on the topic of gender inequality.
“I think that International Women’s Day is important to bring attention to the blatantly patriarchal and misogynistic society we live in as well as to bring light to all the good that women have done,” Umthun said. “If enough people are educated on topics such as gender inequality, then we will have a better chance to make changes for the better.”
Mia Kawamitsu, a junior in journalism and mass communication, views International Women’s Day as one opportunity among other holidays to recognize a specific group of individuals.
“There seems to be a lot of recognized days and weeks for different identities such as international non-binary day and gender fluid visibility week, so I personally don’t think International Women’s Day is exclusionary,” Kawamitsu said. “For me, it’s a day to celebrate the triumphs and achievements of women, but also recognize the obstacles that still persist in society for women.”
Umthun feels that this holiday could be altered to be more inclusive to all assigned female at birth individuals as well as trans women and other identities beyond the binary.
“I am currently struggling with my gender identity and whether I want to be perceived as a woman, but as long as I look feminine, I will be affected by the patriarchal and misogynistic society I live in,” Umthun said. “It can be scary to do normal activities like walking alone at night because I am scared of what could happen to me, while most men don’t think about it much, if at all.”
Abigail Enos, a sophomore in horticulture, feels that history is another dynamic that must be considered when approaching International Women’s Day.
“Not only should we look at the present achievements of women, I think we should also remember how far women have come in such a short time,” Enos said. “Less than a century ago, women couldn’t have credit cards, get birth control on their own and had many other restrictions.”
Like Umthun, Enos also mentioned the importance of recognizing a variety of gender and sexual identities when looking at this history.
“Also, it’s important to look at queer women,” Enos said. “Queer women have made massive strides in all fields and recognizing their queerness as part of their identity is really important.”
Overall, Enos feels the celebration of this concept should be on going.
“Really, International Women’s Day should be every day, but I understand that’s now how it works,” Enos said. “We should celebrate it because women deserve it.”