Green Dot Launch aims to educate community
Luke McDonell/Iowa State Daily
Students had the chance to participate in many different activities at the Green Dot Launch event.
September 25, 2018
The second annual Green Dot Launch will take place on the South Campanile Lawn on Wednesday Sept. 26, from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. In the chance of rain, the location will be moved to State Gym but the time will remain the same.
Green Dot is an initiative at Iowa State and universities across the country that “aims to decrease power-based personal violence on campus,” according to the student wellness website.
Power-based personal violence is defined as an act of violence towards an individual in order to assert power or intimidation. Examples of this type of violence include sexual harassment, rape, domestic abuse and stalking.
The Green Dot initiative aspires to eliminate power-based violence on campus through education, outreach and increased awareness. Students and faculty at Iowa State have the opportunity to learn about preventing this violence in multiple ways.
One way is through their bystander training program. This program lasts a few hours and teach student leaders how to identify power-based violence in a real-life setting as well as how to handle the scenario.
The bystander training program is also offered and specially tailored for faculty. Professors and staff on campus may participate in the program in order to make students feel safer and more comfortable in the classroom or anywhere on campus.
Wednesday’s event intends to bring awareness to the initiative.
At the launch event, people can participate in raffles, enjoy free food and music, snap photos with Cy in a photo booth and more.