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Student Government passes funding requests, seats committee members
Speaker Cody Woodruff touches on concerns with the resolution denouncing Iowa State University’s Trademark Policy at the Student Government meeting on Aug. 30.
September 26, 2018
Student Government added a new member to the Election Commission, passed funding requests and seated three new members to committees.
Student Government approved Reya Mathew to the Election Commission, seated three new members to the University Affairs and Diversity and Inclusion Committees.
Student Government also approved $9,343.75 in funding for the Stampede Rodeo Club, the Golf Club and the “I am a Voter” campaign on Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.
Before items on the general agenda were voted upon, Student Government held an open forum where multiple speakers presented.
Commissioner Bradee Fair spoke about moving the Election Commission which —coordinates the Senate elections— to be its own entity.
Finance Director Seth Carter reminded the commission about the blood drive that is taking place next week, Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and asked them to encourage others to attend.
“With every pint donated you can save up to three lives, and that is an easy way to make a difference in your community,” Carter said.
A representative from the Division of Student Affairs spoke to the Senate to inform them about the “New Student Onboarding” program that Iowa State is implementing. The program, which is still in its preliminary stages, is envisioned to be an online program designed to give new students vital information about Iowa State University.
After a funding request at a previous meeting failed because no member of the Stampede Rodeo Club was present, they were able to once again request $8,550 in funding to improve the safety of their 56th Annual Cyclone Stampede, held on Oct. 19 and Oct. 20.
“This event has a longstanding history in Ames, it is something that the community cherishes,” Sen. Sam Freestone said.
The funding request passed 26-0-0.
The Golf Club requested the Senate fund a total of $720 to cover half the cost of entry fees for the NCCGA regional held in the Twin Cities. The Golf Club traditionally only attends two regionals in the fall and two in the summer, but this summer the team was invited to a third fall regional and requires additional funding to pay the registration fee.
The funding request passed 26-0-0.
The “I am a Voter” campaign, created by the Civic Engagement Committee, requested funding of $73.75 to promote early voting locations and the distribution of posters to various flyer boards around campus and in campus residences. Early voting is taking place Oct. 22 through Oct. 26 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Pride Room of the Memorial Union.
“Registering students is only the first step,” said Sen. Caroline Warmuth. “The biggest problem students have is actually filling out early voting.”
The funding request passed 25-0-0.
Vishesh Bhatia, a junior in genetics, was seated as a Senate member of the University Affairs Committee and was received unanimously.
Yean Xen Lim, a senior in journalism, and Markus Flynn, a graduate student in kinesiology, were seated as at-large members of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Both Xen Lim and Flynn were received unanimously.
“I think it is really awesome that a graduate student wants to be on the committee … and the president of the International Student Council [as well],” Sen. Kaitlyn Sanchez said.
The Senate seated Reya Mathew, a freshman in chemical engineering, to the 2019 Election Commission.
The seating was approved with a vote of 26-0-0.
The Senate also granted Sen. Ihsaan Ait-Boucherbil voting power while serving on the Rules Committee by unanimous vote.
“We at Rules Committee find that we can operate a lot more efficiently and we can represent students more accurately if she has voting power,” Sen. Sandeep Stanley said.
No new business was introduced during the Senate meeting.
For more information or to contact your senator, visit stugov.iastate.edu. The Senate meetings are open to the public on Wednesday’s at 7 p.m. in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.