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President Wintersteen releases statement on Trump travel ban
Courtesy of Iowa State University
Wintersteen headshot
June 29, 2018
Iowa State President Wendy Wintersteen released a statement to students and faculty regarding her concerns with a recent travel ban the supreme court approved.
“I care deeply about our international students and scholars and members of our community impacted by the Supreme Court’s decision,” said Wintersteen in a statement to the Iowa State community.
The travel ban targeted eight countries, six of which were predominantly Muslim. Students, staff and faculty from these countries may have an unknown living situation following the enforcement of the travel ban.
“We know this is causing uncertainty, fear, and anxiety for students and scholars as they determine how this ruling affects them and their loved ones,” Wintersteen said. “It is also concerning for those of us who are advocates and allies for these individuals.”
Others in the Iowa State community have said the ban was was put in place for the purpose of targeting Muslims rather than safety.
“By all indications this was a ban on Muslims,” said David Andersen, assistant professor of political science at Iowa State.
Andersen said the courts believe Trump’s calls for a ban on Muslims during the campaign did not mean that his current policy was a ban on Muslims.
“The Supreme Court said the president has the authority to do things to protect the country,” Anderson said. “And as long as they can make a plausible case that it is not discriminatory, that’s fine.”
Wintersteen said in her statement the Iowa State community would continue to be inclusive and aware of others
“I urge all members of the Iowa State community to reach out with empathy and compassion to those affected by this decision,” Wintersteen said. “At Iowa State University, we know our greatest asset is our people, and we will continue to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for individuals from all over the world. We value having a diverse community that empowers achievers and innovators to contribute both locally and globally.”
We have yet to hear back from a member of the Muslim Student Association.