Body Image and Eating Disorder Week to start today
Abigail Schafer/Iowa State Daily
Mica Magtoto, a junior in nutritional sciences, smiles as she learns about the self-care products and services that vendors have brought to the Rock Your Body event. The event is apart of BIEDA week, meant to raise awareness for body image issues and eating disorders.
February 25, 2018
Fifteen percent of women 17 to 24 have eating disorders.
Twenty percent of college students said they have or previously had an eating disorders.
Ninety-one percent of female college students have attempted to control their weight through dieting.
The Body Image and Eating Disorder Awareness club is starting “BIEDA Week” today. “Our student organization host four events throughout the week that will get you thinking towards a positive body image, self care practices and an overall healthy well-being,” according to the BIEDA club.
Feb. 26: Honor Your Hunger
A bake sale will be hosted in the lobby of LeBaron from 10 a.m. to noon, to help students think about their hunger levels, talk about hunger scales, learn about body cues and provide snacks to “nourish their body.” The BIEDA club will also hand out bookmarks as well as food notations.
Feb. 27: “The Student Body” Documentary
“The Student Body” documentary will be shown in the Carver Auditorium at 6 p.m. which discusses the effects of BMI testing in schools from teenagers’ point of view. After the movie, the club and students in attendance will Skype with the producer of the film and his daughter to ask him questions. Popcorn and brochures will be handed out.
Feb. 28: Jessica Setnick-Keynote Speaker
Jessica Setnick, a pediatric dietitian and author of “Eating Disorders Clinical Pocket Guide,” will be discussing “Stop Bullying Your Body.” Since recovering from an eating disorder and serving as a dietitian for the eating disorders program and Children’s Medical Center of Dallas, Setnick trains other professionals at Eating Disorders Boot Camp and owns a private practice, Understanding Nutrition. The lecture will be given at 7 p.m. in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union.
March 1: Rock Your Body
Ames businesses and Iowa State student organizations will be featured at this resource fair. The vendors will talk about messages around BIEDA. ISU Dining will be providing catering and the fair will have raffles with free tickets given at the door. This will be from 2 to 5 p.m. in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.