The 2017 4-H Reunion will take place Sunday, July 23 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Story County Fair.
It will be held in Christy 4-H Hall at 2nd Street and H Avenue in Nevada.
The program will honor individuals who were 4-H County Officers and Council Members from the 1950s through the early 1970s.
Story County 4-H was made up of 32 clubs and 549 members in 1950. This marked the first year that a combined boys and girls district camp was held, according to the Iowa 4-H Foundation website.
By 1970, there were 39 clubs and 704 members, also according to the Iowa 4-H Foundation website.
All of the former 4-H’ers that served during those years will be listed in the printed programs which will be available to all attendees.
4-H Hall of Fame honorees, the 4-H Alum of the Year and 4-H’er Justine Rosburg will be introduced during the program.
Scholarship and grant recipients will be introduced by the Story County 4-H Foundation.
Donors will also be recognized for their generosity.
The Story County 4-H History display in the room next to Christy 4-H Hall will also be open and available for browsing from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.